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Almonds Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Almond should be soaked in water before eating as their skin is hard to digest. Soaking improves its insipidity and increases its nutritional value. However, they can aggravate Pitta and can beget hyperacidity, If Almonds are eaten without soaking. So the stylish way is to soak them late and peel the skin off in the morning before eating. 

Almond should be taken as per the strength of your digestive fire. If your digestive fire is low also start adding 4-5 Almonds to your diurnal diet. 

According to a study, a diabetic case can consume around 43 g of almonds per day. The input of Almonds helps to manage lipid profile, body weight and suppress hunger in diabetic cases.
The stylish way to consume Almonds for weight loss is by soaking them in water. Almonds are a good source of fibre, protein, unsaturated adipose acids, vitamin E and A which might help in weight loss and manage hunger by keeping you full for a longer time. Almonds still aren't fully digested by the body if consumed as a whole thus should be soaked before consumption.
Almond is a rich source of antioxidants as well as vitamin E which is a fat-answerableanti-oxidant. Almond, when taken internally protects the cell from cell damage which can lead to ageing and skin cancer. Studies have also stated that Almond contains nascence-tocopherol and polyphenols which have print-defensive goods i.e., it helps cover damage due to exposure to UV radiation.
Almond could help in belly fat loss by bringing in a feeling of wholeness. This is because Almond is rich in both protein and fibre, the two factors in a diet which is known for causing malnutrition, therefore helping you get over any kind of hunger stings.
Almond is rich in magnesium which is an essential nutrient for healthy hair. Also, Almond is rich in vitamin E which can cover your hair from damage due to damage due to free revolutionaries or due to the sun and avoid greying of hair.
Yes, Almond has implicit prebiotic enzymes. It helps in stimulating the good bacteria, and inhibits the growth of any pathogenic bacteria in the digestive system. This helps in maintaining a healthy gut system.
Almond is a rich source of essential nutrients, similar to tocopherol, folate, polyphenols and mono-and poly-unsaturated adipose acids. Studies have shown that regular consumption of Almonds can increase the acetylcholine situations in the brain and cover it from age-related memory problems.
Yes, it's good to eat Almond on an empty stomach as it can help your body to absorb maximum nutrients from them. But if your digestive fire is low or if you have any other digestion problems also it's better to take it with other foods similar as milk, grains or vegetables. 

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