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Chyawanprash Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The best time to require Chyawanprash is before breakfast. It also can be taken in the dark preferably 1-2 hours after taking dinner.

There isn't enough scientific evidence available to support the consumption of Chyawanprash in summers. However, it's advisable to require Chyawanprash in small quantity if you've got a weak gastrointestinal system .

No, it's not mandatory to drink hot milk after taking Chyawanprash. However, Chyawanprash may cause a small burning sensation within the stomach which may be avoided if hot milk is taken after consuming Chyawanprash.

Yes, Chyawanprash could also be good for the system . Chyawanprash is rich in vitamin C and acts as an immune stimulator. The presence of vitamin C enhances the system and reduces the incidences of cold and flu. Its immune-stimulatory property increases the assembly also because the proliferation of varied immune cells. This helps in strengthening the immune response.

Yes, Chyawanprash could also be good for teenagers . It helps to create body tissue, thereby promoting growth.

Yes, Chyawanprash could also be good for the brain. Chyawanprash has potent antioxidant activity along side the power to nourish brain cells. it's going to be useful in enhancing memory and improving coordination among various body parts. It also helps in increasing retention and brain . Chyawanprash can also be useful in having a relaxing effect on the central systema nervosum . It reduces anxiety and other stress-related disorders. This helps to sleep better.

Yes, Chyawanprash could also be useful in managing acidity. Chyawanprash promotes digestion and helps in easy excretion. this might help in getting obviate acidity, flatulence also as dyspepsia.

Yes, Chyawanprash could also be good for cold. Chyawanprash is rich in vitamin C , an antioxidant, which is liable for strengthening the system . it's also helpful in maintaining the acceptable moisture level within the tract . These properties together help fight infections better thus reducing the incidence of common cold.

Yes, Chyawanprash could also be useful in managing constipation. Chyawanprash relieves intestinal inflammation and also has laxative property. This helps in easy removal of waste from the body.

Although enough scientific evidence isn't available, Chyawanprash contains certain components which will lower cholesterol levels within the blood.

Although enough scientific evidence isn't available, Chyawanprash could also be good for the eyes. Chyawanprash acts as an eye fixed tonic and should be useful in managing eye disorders and soreness.

Yes, Chyawanprash could also be good for managing fever. Chyawanprash has antimicrobial and anti inflammatory properties and may be a rich source of vitamin C . It thus strengthens the system and helps in managing viral also as intermittent fever.

Yes, Chyawanprash could also be useful in imparting sound sleep. Chyawanprash contains certain components that have a relaxing effect on the central systema nervosum . This results in reduced anxiety and other stress-induced problems, thereby leading to sound sleep.

Yes, Chyawanprash could also be good for bodybuilding. It increases protein synthesis and helps tone your muscles and promote muscle mass. 
Although enough scientific evidence isn't available, Chyawanprash could also be good for managing allergies . this is often thanks to the presence of antioxidants that have anti-allergic property.

Chyawanprash are often taken on an empty stomach but with milk. this is often because Chyawanprash has hot property and milk helps in balancing the hot effect.

Not enough scientific evidence is out there to support the role of Chyawanprash during pregnancy. So it's advisable to consult your doctor before taking Chyawanprash if you're pregnant.
Not enough scientific evidence is out there for the role of Chyawanprash in weight loss. However, some research project suggests that Chyawanprash might help be helpful in weight gain instead.
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