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- SKU: HERB000063
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- Quality: Premium Herbs with No Adulteration
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IndianJadiBooti Black Bansa (Barleria Prionitis) also known as Adhatoda Vasika and Malabar Nut Tree is used in many Ayurvedic and Siddha Medicines for Respiratory issues. It has a distinct odor and Bitter Taste. It is the main ingredient of most of the Ayurvedic medicines made for Cough and asthma.
- NO Preservatives, NO Adulteration, NO Added Color or Fragrance.
- Antioxidants and Anti-inflammatory properties.
- Clean and Sorted Black Bansa (Barleria Prionitis) available in Retail as well as Wholesale Price.
- Unlock the potentials of these natural herbs provided by our mother earth. These boost your energy and assist your entire wellness journey.
Spending money on quality Ayurvedic Jadi Buti is a long-term investment in your health. As the old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Also Read- Benefits of Adusa Black Powder
Other Names:
Adaatoodaa, Jauz al-maalaabaar , Malabar Nut Tree, Carmantine, Noix de Malabar, Arusa, Adusa, Arusha, Rusa, Bansa, Basonta , Adhatoda vasica, Vasa, Adulsa, Adusa, Bans, Khwaja, Bhekar, Vansa, Arusa, Vasaka, Vasaka, Adulsa, Arusak, Sinhaparni, Vansa, Adarushah, Berge Arusa, Berge Adusa, Berge Bansa, Barg - e - Aroosa, Adhusa, Bansa Black , Malabar Nut, Adhatoda Vasaka , Adosa, Adusa, Audulsa, Vasa, Adusha, Adulsa, Vasaka bansa black malabar nut vasa adusha adhatoda vasaka bansa black malabar nut, vasa, Kala, Bansa, Adoosa bansa black malabar nut- vasa adusha adhatoda vasaka raw,. Bansa, Black , Malabar Nut, Adhatoda Vasaka , Adosa, Adusa, Audulsa, Vasa, Adusha, Adulsa, Vasaka bansa black malabar nut vasa adusha adhatoda vasaka bansa black malabar nut, vasa, Kala, Bansa, Adoosa, Bansha, Vajradanti, Piya Bansa, Piyabasa, Piyabansa, Bansa Kala, Saireyaka, Sahachara, Sahachar, Addasaram, Adathoda
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The substance's expectorant qualities aid in promoting the expulsion of mucus from the respiratory tract. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may also assist in alleviating arthritis symptoms. Additionally, its antibacterial characteristics can help soothe skin conditions such as ringworm, itching, and rashes.
Adhatoda vasica, also known as Vasaka, proves beneficial in addressing respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, tuberculosis, and various disorders affecting the lungs and bronchial tubes. A brew made from Vasaka leaves can alleviate coughing and other cold-related symptoms. Its calming properties help reduce throat irritation, while its expectorant qualities assist in loosening and removing mucus build-up in the respiratory tract.
A brew made from the plant's foliage is beneficial for treating colds and sore throats. The herb's paste can be applied to heal injuries, alleviate rheumatism, and soothe various painful conditions. It serves as a cleanser for the blood. This medicinal plant helps balance the Pitta and Kapha doshas in the body.
Adathodai Powder: Health Advantages
Drinking a decoction or tea prepared with Adathodai and honey can alleviate various ailments, including coughing, common colds, hypertension, fevers, and tuberculosis. Additionally, medical professionals suggest Adathodai for individuals suffering from Asthma and long-term Bronchitis. It is believed that Adathodai may also help address menstrual issues.
Combine a half teaspoon (2-3g) of Adathodai Powder with 200ml of water and heat for 2 minutes. Strain the mixture and consume while hot. This plant offers numerous healing benefits and serves as an effective remedy for various health issues including respiratory difficulties, coughing, common colds, nasal blockages, throat irritation, and discomfort and swelling. It also addresses other health concerns.
According to Ayurvedic texts and contemporary scientific studies, Vasaka offers several respiratory benefits. It helps reduce inflammation in the bronchial tubes and improves airflow. Additionally, this herb assists in expelling mucus and alleviates congestion in the chest area.