Adoosa, also known as Vasa in Ayurveda, is a well-known medicinal plant.
This plant's medicinal effects extend to all parts of the plant (leaves, flower, and root).
It has a distinct odour and a bitter flavour.

Adusa Vasaka Leaf Powder - Adhatoda Vasica - Adulasa - Wasaka - Bansa Green by

Consuming Adoosa powder with honey is said to be effective in cases of respiratory illnesses such as whooping cough, bronchitis, and asthma because it promotes sputum discharge from the airways due to its expectorant nature.
Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics, adoosa (Vasaka) may potentially aid in the management of arthritis symptoms.
It alleviates joint pain and edoema caused by arthritis and gout.
It also relieves cramps because of its antispasmodic properties.

Adoosa is a useful home treatment for treating skin problems.
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, topical use of fresh Adoosa leaves paste on skin helps control boils and ulcers by lowering discomfort and inflammation in the affected area.
Because of its antibacterial properties, applying Adoosa powder together with honey evenly on the affected area helps to reduce ringworm, itching, and skin rashes.
Adoosa paste, powder, and root decoction assist relieve fever by reducing body temperature due to its antipyretic properties.

1. Wound recovery
To demonstrate the effectiveness of Adhatoda vasica in wound healing, numerous studies have been conducted. By measuring the parameters, percentage closure of excision wound model, the methanolic extract ointment of Adhatoda vasica exhibited a significant effect in excision wound model as compared to standard medicine and other two extracts of ointment.

2. Antitussive
Adhatoda vasica has been used for a long time to treat conditions of the upper respiratory tract. The medicinal properties of Adhatoda vasica's two main alkaloids are well established.

3. antibiotic efficacy
Due to the presence of bromhexine and ambroxol, two commonly used mucolytics, Adhatoda has enormous potential as an anti-tussive and effective for treating upper respiratory tract infections, as demonstrated by numerous trials.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis typically has a pH-dependent growth inhibitory effect in response to ambroxol and bromhexin.

Other Names : Adaatoodaa, Jauz al-maalaabaar , Malabar Nut Tree, Carmantine, Noix de Malabar, Arusa, Adusa, Arusha, Rusa, Bansa, Basonta , Adhatoda vasica, Vasa, Adulsa, Adusa, Bans, Khwaja, Bhekar, Vansa, Arusa, Vasaka, Vasaka, Adulsa, Arusak, Sinhaparni, Vansa, Adarushah, Berge Arusa, Berge Adusa, Berge Bansa, Barg - e - Aroosa, Adhusa, adusha, Bansa Black , Malabar Nut, Adhatoda Vasaka , Adosa, Adusa, Audulsa, Vasa, Adusha, Adulsa, Vasaka bansa black malabar nut vasa adusha adhatoda vasaka bansa black malabar nut, vasa, Kala Bansa, Adoosa bansa black malabar nut- vasa adusha adhatoda vasaka raw, adusha