Neem Tree (Azadirachta Indica) is an evergreen tree that is part of the mahogany family. In many countries, almost every part of the neem tree is used in traditional medicine. Stems, root bark, and young fruits are used as tonics and astringent, and bark is used as an analgesic and for the treatment of malaria and skin diseases. While neem leaves have traditionally been used for leprosy, skin ulcers, eye disorders, stomach upset, diabetes, heart and blood vessel diseases, fever, gingivitis, and liver disorders.
Benefits and Uses of Neem
1. Skin
Neem oil relieves dry skin and helps to soothe itching, red, ill-skidding skin. In the practice of Ayurveda, neem oil is commonly used for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. Neem oil contains high levels of antioxidants, which help protect the skin from free radicals caused by exposure to the sun, environmental toxins, and other harmful factors.
Prolonged standing in the sun affects the skin adversely and leads to tanning on the skin. On the skin that is black from the sun, the tanning can be removed by planting a face pack of neem leaves.
To make this face pack, you just have to dry these leaves and make them powder and you need to add yogurt to this powder.
3. Dark Circles
When you have a dark circle under the eyes, make a paste of neem leaves (grind the leaves), put the paste on it, and let the paste stay for a few minutes. After a while, you can clean the coating with water. Applying these pastes to the dark circle three times a week will soon reduce them.
4. Purifies Blood
Neem leaves have the power to eliminate fungi and bacteria. So if its leaves are eaten, the blood of the body is cleaned and the body's dirty bacteria are also destroyed.
Neem is also very beneficial in increasing the immune power of the body and its leaf or its capsules can strengthen the immune power of the body.
6. Hair
People whose hair is very weak and easily broken can strengthen their hair with the help of neem. To strengthen the hair, you need to grind the neem leaves and prepare a paste and apply the paste on your hair. You can also add coconut oil to make this paste. Wash the hair with clean water ten minutes after applying the paste on the hair.
7. Strong Teeth
Neem wood is still used by people in many villages to clean teeth, as its wood can be found to be overcome by gum pain, mouth stench, yellow teeth problem by the tooth paste making companies using neem wood and leaves in their tooth paste.
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