You should be familiar with how Khursani Ajwain is used, as it is a staple in every household. Typically, people use celery just as a cooking spice, unaware that it is also a valuable medicine. What I want to convey is that consuming celery offers numerous benefits.
There is a popular saying that celery alone aids in digesting hundreds of types of food. Additionally, it is believed that many diseases can be allevi by consuming celery. Most people are not aware of the benefits of celery (ajwain ke fayde). Hence, they fail to reap its full advantages. Let us explain how beneficial celery can be.
There are three main types of Ajwain:
Wild Ajwain
Celery is a seed used both as a spice and a medicine. It is highly effective in treating various diseases (ajwain khane ke fayde). For thousands of years in our country, ajwain has been utilized as both a spice and a medicinal remedy. The benefits of consuming ajwain can be derived from its spice, powder, decoction, and juice forms.
Names of Ajwain in Other Languages
Ajowa seeds, Ajowan, Carom, Omum, Oman, Ajwaan, Ajma, Ugragandha, Deepya, Ajmodika, Ajwain, Omu, Ajmo, Yamani, Jwano, Amusa, Kamune Muluki, Nankha, Jinan.
Benefits of Khurasani Ajwain
Benefits for Heartburn: For centuries, ajwain has been a staple in grandmother's home remedies for acidity and stomach discomfort.
After eating spicy food, chew 1 gram of ajwain and 1 almond kernel well or grind them together and consume. This helps alleviate heartburn.
If someone suffers from stomach-related issues, mix 1 part ajwain, half part black pepper, and rock salt, then grind it. Consume 1-2 grams of this mixture with lukewarm water in the morning and evening to cure stomach ailments.
Digestive Disorders Relief: Ajwain can significantly improve digestive power through its medicinal properties.
Ajwain's properties are particularly beneficial for enhancing digestion. It's crucial to know the correct quantity and method of consumption.
If someone can't digest milk properly, they should eat some celery after drinking milk.
If wheat flour and sweets are hard to digest, mixing in Khursani Ajwain powder is helpful.
If digestion is impaired, consuming 25 ml of celery decoction three times a day is beneficial.
Stomach Ache Relief: To maximize the benefits of celery, it's important to know the right way to use it.
Mix Khursani Ajwain, rock salt, myrobalan, and dry ginger powder in equal parts. Take 1-2 grams of this mixture with lukewarm water to relieve stomach ache.
For stomach cramps or pain, adding 3-4 drops of Divyadhara to batasa and consuming it provides immediate relief.
For issues like flatulence and stomach ache, mix 10 grams of celery, 6 grams of small myrobalan, with 3 grams each of asafoetida roasted in ghee, and rock salt. Take 2 grams of this mixture with lukewarm water three times a day.
Menstrual Blockage Relief: Celery is also effective for menstrual blockage. Cook 10 grams of celery and 50 grams of old jaggery in 400 ml of water. Consume this mixture in the morning and evening to cleanse the uterus and cure menstrual disorders.
Alternatively, consume 3 grams of celery powder with warm milk in the morning and evening for menstrual benefits.
Cough and Fever Relief: Khursani Ajwain can also be used to treat cough and fever.
Prepare a decoction with 2 grams of Khursani Ajwain and half a gram of small long pepper. Consume 5 to 10 ml of this decoction to relieve cough and fever.
For chronic cough accompanied by yellow, foul-smelling phlegm and slow digestion, take a 25 ml celery decoction three times a day.
Mix 10 grams of celery juice with mint juice or 10 grams of mint flowers, add 10 grams of Desi Camphor, and store this mixture in a clean bottle placed in the sun. The combined ingredients will form a medicinal solution beneficial for cold, cough, headache, and other conditions. A modified version of this medicine is known as Divyadhara.
For cold and cough, put 3-4 drops of Divyadhara in a handkerchief and inhale. Alternatively, take 4-5 drops of Divyadhara in hot water and inhale the steam. This provides relief.
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It's really quality product! I will recommend to everyone!
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