Hadjod (Cissus Quadrangularis) is an Ayurvedic Herb used for strengthening bone and joint, and promoting bones growth. It enhances  the rate of fracture healing as it increases the bone minerals. In addition to its use in bone and joint disorder, it is also used to treat loss of appetite, indigestion, internal bleeding, intestinal worm, gout, and leucorrhea .

Sanskrit name of Hadjod is Asthisamharaka, which means bone setter, in Ayurveda. Fresh juice of Hadjod plant in a dosage of 20ml twice a daily is used to accelerate fracture healing rate and restoring the bone mass in several diseases including low bone mineral density and osteoporosis.

Medicinal Properties -

  • Accelerate the fracture healing                                     
  • Strengthen bones and joint 
  • Restore bone mass
  • Anodyne-pain relieving                            
  • Digestive stimulant 
  • Blood Detoxifier


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