Arjuna, also known as the "Arjun tree," is a popular plant in India.It has a variety of medicinal properties, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.
- Arjuna reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- It tones and strengthens the heart muscles and aids in the proper functioning of the heart.
- The Arjuna tree also has strong anti-hypertensive properties, which aid in the reduction of high blood pressure.
- Arjuna chaal boiled in milk should be taken 1-2 times per day for maximum benefit in cases of heart problems.
- Arjuna also aids in the treatment of diarrhoea, asthma, and cough.
- External application of Arjuna bark (Arjuna chaal) aids in the treatment of skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, itching, and rashes.
One word of caution: do not combine Arjuna with anticoagulant medications because it has blood thinning properties.
What are the benefits of Arjuna for Angina (chest pain caused by a heart condition)?
Arjuna is beneficial in lowering the risk of heart problems such as angina. Angina is caused by aggravated Kapha, but the pain it causes is a symptom of aggravated Vata. An aggravated Kapha causes the body to produce Ama (toxic residues left over from improper digestion). This Ama builds up in the heart channels, causing a blockage and aggravating Vata. This causes discomfort in the chest area. Arjuna has the ability to balance Kapha.
It reduces Ama, clears blockages in heart channels, and soothes agitated Vata. This alleviates chest pain.
What are the benefits of Arjuna for Heart disease?
Arjuna aids in the control of heart disease and the proper functioning of the heart. It also aids in the maintenance of normal blood pressure and heart rate. This is because it has the Hrdya (cardiac tonic) property.
Other Names: Arjuna, Terminalia arjuna, Arjuna Chaal, Arjun Chhal arjuna chaal arjun chhal terminalia arjuna jadi buti raw herbs arjuna chaal arjun chhal terminalia arjuna heart care, Arjuna Bark arjuna chaal arjun chhal terminalia arjuna, kamrak, neer maruthu, sadaru, belma, arjun gach
What are the benefits of Arjuna for Diarrhea?
In Ayurveda, diarrhoea is referred to as Atisar. It is caused by poor diet, contaminated water, toxins, mental stress, and Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). All of these factors contribute to the aggravation of Vata. This aggravated Vata brings fluid into the intestine from various body tissues and mixes it with the stool. This causes loose, watery bowel movements or diarrhoea. Taking Arjuna chaal (bark) helps to control the frequency of motion and maintain fluid balance in the body. This is due to its astringent and cooling properties, Kashaya and Sita.
What are the benefits of Arjuna for airway inflammation (bronchitis)?
Arjuna can help with lung problems such as infection, cough, asthma, and bronchitis. Lung problems such as bronchitis are known as Kasroga in Ayurveda and are caused by poor digestion. Ama is formed as a result of a poor diet and insufficient waste elimination (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This Ama accumulates in the lungs as mucous and causes bronchitis. Because of its Kapha balancing properties, Arjuna helps to reduce Ama and remove mucous.
What are the advantages of Arjuna in the treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs)?
In Ayurveda, urinary tract infection is referred to by the broad term Mutrakcchra. Mutra means ooze, and krichra means agony. Mutrakcchra is the medical term for dysuria and painful urination. When taking Arjuna for a urinary tract infection, it helps to reduce pain and increase urine flow. This is because it has a Mutral (diuretic) effect. Because of its Sita (cold) nature, it also reduces burning sensations and provides a cooling effect while urinating.
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