Order Ashoka Chhal Powder Online at Best Price.IndianJadiBooti
Ashoka, also known as the Ashoka briksh, is one of India's most ancient and revered plants.
Ashoka has a variety of therapeutic properties, particularly in its bark and leaves.
Ashoka assists women in dealing with gynaecological and menstrual issues such as heavy, irregular, and painful periods.
It can be taken twice a day after meals in the form of churna/powder or capsule to relieve stomach pain and spasms.
Because of its blood cleansing properties, taking Ashoka bark juice or kwath can help promote good skin.
1. Exhausting periods (Dysmenorrhea)
Dysmenorrhea is the discomfort or cramping that occurs during or before a menstrual cycle.
This ailment is termed as Kasht-aartava in Ayurveda.
Aartava, or menstruation, is managed and ruled by Vata dosha, according to Ayurveda.
To manage dysmenorrhea, it is critical that Vata be under control in a woman.
Ashoka has Vata-balancing properties and can help with dysmenorrhea.
It calms irritated Vata and alleviates abdominal pain and cramping throughout the menstrual cycle.
a. Boil the bark of the Ashoka tree in water until the volume of water is one-fourth of its original amount.
b. Strain the liquid and put it in a bottle as Ashoka kwath.
c. Use 8 to 10 teaspoons of Ashoka kwatha.
d. Add the same amount of water and drink it after lunch and dinner to relieve menstrual pain.
2. Excessive menstrual bleeding (Menorrhagia)
Menorrhagia, or severe monthly bleeding, is referred to as Raktapradar, or excessive menstrual blood secretion.
This is related to a heightened Pitta dosha.
Ashoka balances Pitta and reduces heavy menstrual bleeding, often known as menorrhagia.
Because of its Sita (cold) properties.
a. Boil the bark of the Ashoka tree in water until the volume of water is one-fourth of its original amount.
b. Strain the liquid and put it in a bottle as Ashoka kwath.
c. Use 8 to 10 teaspoons of Ashoka kwatha.
d. To manage severe menstrual bleeding or menorrhagia, add the same amount of water and drink it after lunch and dinner.
In Ayurveda, piles are called as Arsh and are caused by a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle.
This compromises all three doshas, particularly Vata.
Constipation is caused by an exacerbated Vata, which has a low digestive fire.
This creates swollen veins in the rectum, resulting in pile mass.
Ashoka relieves pile mass swelling by balancing Vata.
Because of its Sita (cool) character, Ashoka also relieves burning sensations and discomfort in piles.
It provides cooling and alleviates burning sensations in the anus.
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon Ashoka powder
Mix in some honey or water.
To get the best results, take it after meals.
4. Leucorrhea
Leucorrhea is characterised by a thick, white discharge from the female genitals.
According to Ayurveda, leucorrhea is caused by a Kapha dosha imbalance.
Because to its Kashaya (astringent) nature, Ashoka performs well in leucorrhea.
It aids in the regulation of exacerbated Kapha and the reduction of leucorrhea symptoms.
a. Boil the bark of the Ashoka tree in water until the volume of water is one-fourth of its original amount.
b. Strain the liquid and put it in a bottle as Ashoka kwath.
c. Use 8 to 10 teaspoons of Ashoka kwatha.
d. To manage leucorrhea, add the same amount of water and drink it after lunch and dinner.
1. Healing of wounds
Ashoka promotes wound healing and alleviates pain and edoema in the affected area.
Because of its Ropan (healing) characteristic, it also restores original skin texture.
a. Soak the bark of an Ashoka tree in water for the entire night.
b. The next day, make a honey paste.
c. Apply this paste to the injured region to promote rapid healing.
2. Joint Ache
In Ayurveda, the bones and joints are said to be the location of Vata dosha in the body.
Joint pains are caused by an imbalance in the Vata dosha.
Ashoka possesses Vata-balancing properties, and using the bark will provide relief from joint problems.
a. Make a paste out of the Ashoka bark and water.
b. Apply this paste to the affected regions to relieve joint discomfort. Ashoka Chaal Powder
Other Names: Ashoka, Arbre d’Ashoka, Saraka, Anganapriya, Ashokadamara, Asokamara, Kankalimara, Saraca indica Linn, Ashok, Asok, Asoka, Sita Ashok, Hemapushpa, Kankeli
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