Vidanga, also known as 'false black pepper,' is a member of the Primulaceae family. It is widely available throughout India and has a variety of medicinal properties. It is a very important Ayurvedic herb. 

Vidanga has been used for centuries because of its many benefits, the most important of which is that it is good for the stomach. Its anthelmintic properties aid in the elimination of unwanted parasites in the gut, and its laxative properties aid in the elimination of constipation and related issues. Its churna is thought to aid in weight loss and improve body metabolism when consumed on a regular basis. 

Other Names: Badanj, Biranj Kaabilee, Virang, False Black Pepper, White Flowered Embelia, Falscher Schwarzer Pfeffer, Vayavadang, Vayvidang, Vavirang, Baberang, Vayubaliga, Vayuvidanga, Babading, Embelia ribes Burm, Vavadinga, Karkannie, Birang Kaabilee, Babrung, Vavaring, Vidanga, Kirmigha, Jantughna, Baobarang, Wawding, False Black Pepper, Baibrang, Baividang, Vavding , Vaividang , Baibidang , Vayvidang, Vavirang, Baobarang, Waividang, Bay Bhadang, Baybiding, Babreng, Vaayvidang, Baybading, Baibaddang, Vaywidang,Baibadang , Embelia ribes, Vaivadang, Whaybadang, Baibiding, Vavding, Vaividang, Baibidang, Vidanga, Badang, Bai Bidang, Baibidang, Vividang, Baybidang, Vayvidang, baividang, Bibidang, Vavading, Baybadang, Bidanga, Wavding, Bayvidhang baibadang baividang, Bayvidang, Baiberang

Vidanga also has cardio protective, antioxidant, and antidepressant properties. It is considered beneficial to the skin and aids in the improvement of complexion as well as the removal of persistent acne and pimples. 


Baibadang (Vidanga) health Benefits:

Intestinal Worms: Vidanga's Krimighna nature aids in the control and eradication of many different types of intestinal worms, including roundworms and tapeworms. 

Indigestion: Vidanga has a hot nature and laxative properties. This makes it useful for treating and managing digestive issues such as constipation, gas, and vomiting. 

Depression: Vidanga's antidepressant properties restore Vata imbalance and provide relief from depression and anxiety-related issues. 

Throat Infection: Vidanga natural properties aid in balancing the aggravated Kapha dosha. This reduces throat problems such as infections and chronic coughing spells. 

Obesity: The digestive benefit of Vidanga, combined with its hot nature, aids in the removal of toxins from the body and ensures proper digestion.
This effectively reduces fat and combats obesity. 

Skin Disease: Vidanga's Shodhan property, which means "purification property," aids in the removal of toxins from the bloodstream, which benefits the skin by managing and controlling skin diseases. 

When applied externally as a powder, Vidanga can help with skin problems such as ringworm and eczema. It is best to apply some oil to the affected area beforehand in this case. 

Hyperpigmentation: Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition in which the skin's color becomes uneven. Some areas of skin are dark, while others are lighter. Vidanga paste's Rasayana (rejuvenating) and Kashaya (astringent) properties aid in the control and reduction of this condition.