Beej Band Herbs is considered to be one of the most valuable drugs in Ayurveda. Bala Seed is used by Ayurveda physicians as an
antipyretic in febrile and infectious diseases, and also as an aphrodisiac. Sida Cordifolia (Beej Band) is also useful in the treatment
of chronic broncho-pulminary conditions characterized by bronchospasm and cough.
Beej Band Herbs contains a crystalline alkaloid that is Ephedrine. This is associated with High Blood Pressure, Heart Attacks,
Nervousness, Headache, Dizziness and Muscle Weakness.
1. The nerves and muscles are strengthened with the aid of beej band extract.
2. It aids in the relief of rheumatoid arthritis, low back pain, gout, sciatica, and epilepsy.
3. Additionally, it aids in the treatment of illnesses like paralysis, paraplegia, and hemiplegia.
4. By enhancing sperm motility, it can treat male infertility.
5. Its diuretic properties revitalise the urinary system and treat cystitis.
6. It is claimed to purify the blood and treat bleeding disorders ( You Should Know about Chamomile Oil for such Issues ).
7. Fever can also be treated with it.
8 Beej band extract relieves anxiety and helps to relax the nervous system.
Other Names:
Sida cordifolia, Country mallow, Heart-leaf sida, Badiyalaka, Bala, Baladaya, Berela, Bor sonborial, Kharinta Lal, Barial, Chittuharalu, Hettuti-gida, Katturam, Chittamuttie, Chirubenda, Mailmanikkam, Bala, Chikana, Tupkaria, Bajromuli, Bisiripi, Chikana, Karaiti, Jangli methi, Yuan ye jin wu shi hua, Ke dong, Xin ye huang hua ren, Herbe de douze heyres, Maruba kingojika, Balu, Sida Kordifolia, Sida Serdtselistania, Escoba Negra, Escobilla, Llima, Ya khat bai pom
2 Comment(s)
Thanks for the information.
I am interested in the use and necessary precautions when combining with different drugs simultaneously. The biggest worry is whether it will produce unwanted side effects?
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