Form: Dried Raw Herb - Powder

The bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.), often referred to as bitter apple, bitter melon, or balsam pear, is a tropical vine that is a member of the family Cucubitaceae and genus Momordica of the order Cucurbitales. The plant is widely grown in India, China, and South East Asia as a vegetable and medicinal crop.

Studies have shown that bitter gourd has an ingredient that resembles insulin and is frequently referred to as plant insulin. This ingredient has good effects on decreasing blood and urine glucose levels.

Nutritional Profle

Despite being a source of various essential elements, bitter gourd is a vegetable that is frequently abandoned because of its bitter flavour. Due to its high mineral and vitamin content, it has a higher nutritional value than other cucurbits including squash, pumpkin, cucumber, and zucchini. Vitamins A, E, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and vitamin C are all abundant in the apple. A high concentration of potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc are also present. A good level of dietary fiber is present.

Bitter Gourd Contains Bioactive Chemicals

Common sugars, proteins, and chlorophyll are the bitter gourd's basic metabolites, while phenolics, carotenoids, curcubitane triterpenoids, alkaloids, saponins, and other compounds are its secondary metabolites. The bitter gourd's nutraceutical characteristics, which hardly add to its nutritional content but have positive physiological effects on the body, are caused by secondary metabolites .

Anti-Cancer Quality

The anti-cancer property of Momordica charantia has been discovered and established over the past few decades through a number of early trials. According to studies, M. charantia's bioactives may play a role in the control of several cancers, including colon, breast, liver, nasopharyngeal, and cervical cancers. Although several in vitro and in vivo tests have been performed to investigate the activity against carcinoma, systematic clinical trials in cancer patients are required to establish the anti-cancer effects of M. charantia.

Diabetic Prevention

A metabolic condition known as diabetes mellitus is characterised by hyperglycemia brought on by deficiencies in insulin secretion, action, or both. Since ancient times, M. charantia has been used as a traditional cure in complementary and alternative medicine to manage diabetes. The chemicals have been identified through extensive investigation and the bitter gourd's alleged anti-diabetic action's method

Activity That is Hypolipidemic and Hypotensive

Hyperlipidemia is a disorder marked by unusually high amounts of lipids, specifically cholesterol and triglycerides, in the blood. It is primarily brought on by poor dietary habits, ongoing stress, and obesity. It is regarded as a possible risk factor for heart problems. The effectiveness of the bioactive components from M. charantia fruit and its parts against this condition is the subject of ongoing research.

Activity As An Antimicrobial And An Anthelmintic

Due to its anti-microbial properties and demonstrated promise as an antibacterial agent, bitter gourd is a traditional remedy for a variety of skin and gastrointestinal disorders.

Other Names: Karola, Uchche, Fu gua, Mu bie zi, Ku gua, Jin li zhi, Bitter Gourd, Bitter Melon, Balsam Apple, Momordique charantia, Balsambirne, Karela, Kareli, Hagalakai, Karel, Momordica charantia Linn, Karlen, Karli, Karavella, Sushavi, Kathilla, Karele