What is Daru Haldi Lakdi:
Daruharidra - Daru haridra is a plant that belongs to the family Berberidaceae, and grows in the region of Himalayan foothills. Berberis aristata, also known as barberry, is a shrub native to North America and Asia. It has a multitude of uses in traditional medicine, but it's most commonly used for external pain relief and inflammation. It is an erect and evergreen shrub with a height of 3.5m, which has yellow-to-brown bark on the outside and dark yellow bark on the inside. The bark is fully covered by three branched thorns, which are modified leaves in tufts of 5-8 and are simple with pinnate venation.
How Daru Haldi Lakdi looks like?
he upper surface of its leaves are dark green, while its lower surface is light green. Its leaves are toothed, simple and sessile, and leathery in texture. Flowers appear from April-May in groups of one or two at the end of branches. These flowers are stalked, yellow, complete and hermaphrodite. The fruits of this herb are ovoid and covered with bloom as in plum; their color is aconite violet. They contain plenty of sugar along with nutrients such as iron and potassium; their taste resembles that of grapes or plums.
Other Names: Ameerbaarees, Barbarees (Root), Zarashk, Zirishk (Berries), Rasanjan, Darhaldi, Daruhaldi, Indian Barberry, Rasvanti, Daruharidra, Rasaut (Root Bark Extract), Darhald (Root), Zarishk (Berries) Berberis aristata DC, Rasajan, Mard Risin, Berberis aristata DC, Rasvat, Daruhalad, Filzahrah (Root), Zarishk (Berries), Daruharidra, Daruhaldi, Darvi, Rassaut (Root Bark Extract), Darhald (Root), Zarishk(Berries),Sumblo, Turmaric, Sumblu, Simloo, Kilmora, Kilmoda, Daaruharidra, Termaric, symblo, Zadali Haled, Sumbal
This herb can be used to treat diabetes mellitus type 2. It has also been used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Berberis aristata has been used to reduce the pain and inflammation caused by eye-related disorders like conjunctivitis, or by wounds and ulcers.
It also has antiviral properties that can help treat syphilis, anal fish disease (a disease caused by parasites), and other sexually transmitted infections.
Daruharidra is a variety of Berberis aristata that's been used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The roots of this plant have been shown to fight against liver toxicity, giving it the ability to treat jaundice patients as well as those suffering from leucorrhea or menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding).Daruharidra leaves are also anti-diabetic in nature, helping patients manage their chronic diabetes condition without having to rely on insulin injections. The herb triggers the production of extra insulin within the body so that it doesn't have to be administered externally; this protects your body from harmful side effects such as nerve damage and organ failure due.
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