Form: Raw Herb

Other Names: 

Kinaka, Palash, Polashi, Bengal Kino, Bastard Teak, Flame of the Forest, Palas Tree, Butea Gum, Butee-feuillue, Malabarischer Lackbaum, Ostindischer Palasabaum, Khakria, Khakro, Kamarkas, Palas Ka Gond, Chunia Gond, Palash, Dhak, Dak, Tesu Butea frondosa Roxb, Muttaga, Butea frondosa , Palas, Paras, Palah, Samaghe Palah, Chunia, Palash, Dhak, Tesu, Dhak, Palasa, Tesu, Dhak, Palaspapda, Plaas

The bright orange Palash seed, also known as "Flame of the Forest," are a common sight throughout India's diverse landscapes and are in fact a stunning floral beauty. But this tiny deciduous tree, formally known as Butea Monosperma, which is native to India and the South-East Asian nations of Nepal, Indonesia, Thailand, and Sri Lanka, is much more than just a lovely sight to behold; it is a priceless work of nature. Palash seed flowers, as well as the roots, leaves, seeds, and fruits are a panacea to heal a variety of health anomalies, including treating stomach infections, easing diabetes symptoms, easing bowel movements, and even enhancing sexual functions. Palash seed are endowed with countless medicinal traits and therapeutic bioactive components.

Palash seed is described as a rather potent and significant herb with medical, as well as religious and spiritual value, in the ancient Ayurvedic writings written by Sushruta and Charaka. When students brought fruits to their professors or gurus in the past to ask for their blessings, they also added Palash seed since it was seen to be an auspicious sign. Additionally, Palash seed are utilised in the pooja ceremonies during Hindu festivals as a holy offering to ask God's blessings for the health, fortune, and success of the entire family. Palash seed is a very multidimensional herb that not only plays a significant role in religious ceremonies but also has a wide range of beneficial elements in its flowering, fruiting, and seeding plant parts.

According to the Ayurvedic texts Sushruta Samhita, Charaka Samhita, and Ashtanga Hridaya, palash seed is endowed with numerous advantageous characteristics that make it a potent medicinal plant. These include laxative, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic, anti-diabetic, anti-stress, hepatoprotective, antifungal, astringent, anti-diarrheal, anthelmintic, anti-diabetic, anti-diabetic, anti-stress, and antioxidant properties. The Palash plant's leaves and blossoms have diuretic, aphrodisiac, astringent properties that promote blood flow to the pelvis. The tree's seeds have purgative, diuretic, and anthelmintic, or anti-parasitic, characteristics that increase the generation of urine. In the case of intestinal parasites, the seed powder is employed. The kino gum, which is produced from the bark of the palash, has astringent characteristics that can be used to cure haemorrhoids.

Hypertension is treated

Palash seed, which is low in cholesterol and high in potassium, can be safely included in a diet on a daily basis to support heart health. The flower and leaf extracts are simple to incorporate into many popular home-cooked Indian recipes because they promote blood flow to and from the heart, reduce pressure on blood vessel walls, lower excessive blood pressure, and guarantee that cardiac muscles are performing at their best.

Cleanse The Kidneys

Palash seed encourages the body's natural excretory system to remove waste products. It increases the fluid output within the kidneys, quickly eliminating toxins that have collected while also ensuring that the body's internal organs are properly hydrated. Palash leaf juice helps the kidneys do their regular functions.