Harsingar is often referred to as Parijat or Night Jasmine. It is indigenous to Southeast Asia and South Asia and is brimming with advantageous traits. It is a tiny tree or shrub that can reach a height of 33 feet and has a flaky, grey bark. The leaves have a border and are rather broad. With five to eight white petals on the corolla and an orangish-red centre, the blooms have a stunning appearance.
This bloom produces a brown, 2-cm-diameter capsule with a single seed inside that is spherical to heart-shaped. Both the Indian state of West Bengal and the Thai province of Kanchanaburi are home to large populations of this flower. The most popular usage for this flower, which loses its brightness during the day, is to colour garments yellow.
Harsingar is a plant with a number of health advantages. The tree's antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant characteristics are a blessing for human health. According to her, the leaves are used to cure stubborn sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis, and chronic fever.
The alkaloids and glycosides found in this plant's bark make it valuable. This flower's extracts have antiviral and antifungal effects. In addition to having antileishmanial characteristics, it also has hepatoprotective and immunostimulant qualities.
Other Names: Sheoli, Singhar, Shephalika, Night Jasmine, Night -flowering Jasmine, Jasmin de nuit, Trauerbaum, Nachtjasmin, Harshangar, Haar, Harsinghar, Harsingar, Parijat, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn, Partak, Khurasali, Parijatak, Gulkamah, Kuri, Laduri, Pakar, Parijataka, Parijata, Sephalika, Rajanikasa, Harshringar , Harsinghar,Paarijaat,Parijat, Night Jasmine, Prajakta
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