Kaknaj is a unani medicine that is primarily used for the treatment of Kidney Diseases. It also helps in maintaining the health of the urinary tract. Kaknaj has been used for many years to treat kidney problems like stone formation and inflammation, as well as water retention due to other causes.
Kidney diseases can affect people in several ways and at different ages. Any person can get affected by these diseases if the kidney is not clean and healthy. Kaunch Seeds is a supplementary tablet and it works to remove all the unwanted toxins from the body and makes the kidneys healthy and restores their functions.
Kaknaj is a unique ayurvedic formulation and is widely used in the treatment of urolithiasis, stones in kidneys, bladder stones, urinary tract disorder and more. Kaknaj has potent action on all major systems of the body. Xetomos Kaknaj Physalis Alkekengi Linn herb used for treatment of bleeding disorders, rejuvenation and vitality and is also used to treat ailments that only come along during winter season.
Xetomos Kaknaj Physalis Alkekengi Linn herb used for treating urinary tract infection, food and gastric problems, diarrhea, gonorrhea, Urinary tract infection (UTI), Calcium deficiency, Tachycardia or high HR.
The Physalis Alkekengi Linn herb is commonly called as Chinese Lantern and the flowers are known for their beauty. They have white, rose or purple colour petals. This flower is cultivated in India for its medicinal properties. Xetomos kaknaj Physalis Alkekengi Linn, a herb that is used for or as medicine, as herbs, in cooking and for jams, jellies and spices.
Xetomos Kaknaj Physalis Alkekengi Linn is an herb used for the treatment of a variety of inflammatory conditions such as bronchitis and arthritis. The seeds of Physalis Alkekengi Linn herb used for curing many diseases, including leprosy, acne, rheumatism and urinary tract infections.
Bladder cherry is a small and round fruit that resembles a miniature cherry tomato. Bladder cherries are an important treatment for liver health and kidney stones, as well as a natural remedy for inflammation.
Bladder cherry is beneficial in promoting healthy liver, digestive system, and urinary system. Bladder Cherry is often used in tonics and teas aimed at maintaining healthy liver, digestive system and urinary system. It has been known to treat gout and constipation.
This small red fruit, popular in Europe and India, is not just delicious – it’s packed with health benefits. Bladder Cherry contains anthocyanins and other antioxidants that help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Kaunch Seeds Bladder Cherry, or Prunus cerasus, is a delicious red berry that grows in a cluster of small sour cherries. Enjoy them fresh or dried to make your own jams, pies, and more!
Bladder Cherry is a beneficial herb that promotes a healthy liver, digestive and urinary system. Bladder Cherry is known to cure congestion of the kidneys, with symptoms such as pain in the urethra, burning sensation when urinating, irritation at the opening of the penis, frequent urination especially during micturition and increase in frequency of urination even when there is not much urine coming out.
Bladder Cherry improves the flow of bile and eliminates gallstones. It cleanses the liver, improves digestion and helps to break down fats. A study in 1993 found that bladder cherries effectively treat gout and arthritis Bladder Cherry is a medicinal plant that can be used for treatments of many diseases like constipation, liver, digestive system and urinary system. Bladder Cherry is known for the treatment of gout, rheumatism and diabetes.
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