Due to its ability to balance Pitta, Kasani (Chicory) Panchang is effective in Ayurveda for treating gall bladder stones by removing them from the body. Due to its antioxidant action, drinking 2-3 teaspoons of Kasni (Chicory) juice can help control liver diseases linked to cell damage brought on by free radicals. If used regularly, kasani juice might help increase hunger by facilitating better digestion.

Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, kasani can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions and inflammation. Using coconut oil and Kasani powder on a wound may aid in wound healing. You might experience headache relief by applying a paste made from fresh Chicory leaves to your forehead.

What are the benefits of Kasni for Liver disease?

To treat liver problems such enlarged liver, fatty liver, and jaundice, the herb Kasni (chicory) Plant can be used as a liver tonic. By balancing Pitta, it functions. The body's primary location for metabolism is the liver, and Kasani whole herb increases metabolism via enhancing digestive fire. Its Ushna (hot) potency is the cause of this.
1. Drink two to three teaspoons of Kasani juice.
2. To manage the symptoms of liver problems, add the same amount of water and consume it without food.