What is Majuphal:
Oak galls, also known as Majuphal in Hindi, are a type of outgrowth that forms on the young twigs of dyer’s oak tree, Quercus infectoria. They are generally called Oak galls or Gall nut in English. The female wasp punctures the bark of twigs and lays the eggs inside the shoot. This process causes a vegetative outgrowth to form around the larva that develops from the eggs, resulting in the development of galls.

The galls are an excellent ingredient of various herbal remedies. The galls continue to grow until the eggs hatch and larvae reach maturity. Preferably, the galls must be collected and dried before the insect emerges.


  • Majuphal is a plant native to India that has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The plant has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat inflammatory diseases, infections, and wounds caused by bacteria or parasites. 
  • The antioxidant activity of Majuphal helps heal wounds caused by bacterial infections. 
  • The anti-parasitic property of Majuphal is found to reduce infections like leishmaniasis, amoebiasis, and blastocystis. 
  • Anti-Candida activity of the Majuphal is beneficial to treat yeast infections caused by Albicans and non-Albicans Candida species. 
  • Topical application of Majuphal extract gels on the vagina is found to reduce dryness and improve lubrication. In addition to this, it also has a tightening effect on the vagina and restores its elasticity. 
  • The root extract of Quercus infectoria has the ability to improve insulin release in the bloodstream and thus help control diabetes.

Other Names: Afas, Qashaf, Bahash, Majoophal, Majuphal, Oak Galls, Dyer’s Oak, le chêne éorche, Gallapfeleiche, Galleiche, Majuphal, Muphal, Machikaai, Mapalakam, Quercus infectoria Oliv, Maayaphal, Mazu, Maju, Majuphal, Mayaphal, Mazu, Mazuphal, Manjoophal, Manjuphal, Mazophal, Mazo Phal, Manjufal, Manjuphal, Oakgall


  • Majuphal is a naturally occurring plant extract that has been used for centuries as an astringent to treat wounds. It is also known as oak gall and is used in many parts of the world as a folk remedy to treat wounds.
  • Majuphal's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make it a good candidate to treat wounds due to bacterial infections. 
  • It is used as a dental powder, to treat toothache and gingivitis. The extract from the Majuphal (oak galls) has been used for centuries as an astringent to treat wounds.
  • Majuphal for Treating Parasitic Infections: 
  • Majuphal is effective against single or multi-drug resistant parasitic infections caused due to parasites like Leishmania major, Blastocystis spp, and Entamoeba histolytica. 
  • The extract of Majumphal, when applied to the affected site, significantly reduces cutaneous infections like leishmaniasis, amoebiasis, and blastocystis.

How to use:
The Majuphal seeds could be cooked and used as such: grind them into powder, add water to dilute it slightly, boil for 3-4 minutes then strain through a cloth bag placed over a bowl or pottery vessel to retain all particles etc.