Benefits of Putrajeevak Beej - Jiya Pota Seeds - Putra Jivak Beej - Putra Jeevak Beej

What is Putrajeevak Beej ( Jiya Pota Seeds, Putra Jivak Beej, Putra Jeevak Beej)?

If you're trying to get pregnant and haven't been successful, If you're trying to conceive and not having much luck,  Putrajeevak Beej or seeds are a great first step in your fertility journey. According to ayurveda, it has an effect on the reproductive system, especially on uterus and ovaries in women and testes in men. The main action of Putrajeevak is to strengthen these structures and improve the functions of these organs. It is also helpful in the treatment of habitual abortion (recurrent miscarriage).

Putrajeevak also known as putraveeji, putranjiva and lucky bean tree is an evergreen tree growing up to a height of 12 meters. Its scientific name is Putranjiva roxburghii. The tree has long suspended branches, normal elongated leaves that are arranged alternately and its fruits are velvety and rounded with a hard stony seed. It has a sweet and pungent taste and is heavy in digestion. It bears both male and female flowers.

Putrajeevak seeds aid in alleviating the health of female reproductive organs. It also acts as a uterine tonic. It also helps to cure sterility in both males and females, if taken as per Doshas.

If you're a woman, you know how important it is to take care of your reproductive system. We all want to feel like we're in control of our bodies and our lives. But sometimes, that can be hard to do when everything seems so out of balance. That's why we're proud to introduce Putrajeevak seeds! These natural supplements are designed specifically for women who need an extra boost in their ability to control their body—and the results are incredible!

These safe and natural seeds help alleviate problems with your female reproductive organs, including fertility issues, uterine tonics, and sterility in both males and females. They also act as a uterine tonic and help cure habitual abortions or recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL).

This safe and natural seed is a great choice for women of all ages struggling with maintaining holistic health. If you suffer from any of the following conditions: Oligospermia, teratozoospermia and asthenospermia—you may want to consider using Putrajeevak seeds as part of your treatment plan!

 The herb is useful for strengthening the uterus and ovaries in females and testes in males. It also helps to improve their functioning. It is useful against conditions like oligospermia and impaired spermatogenesis that cause male infertility.

It may reduce frequent miscarriages in women and act as a uterine tonic to boost female fertility. It helps increase sexual urges and performance in both men and women. It also helps improve sperm count in men, making it a good aphrodisiac. This herb is safer than the chemical and artificial options available for the same purpose.

The herb apart from its reproductive attributes also helps in reducing inflammation in joints, which makes it an excellent anti-inflammatory agent too!

How Putrajeevak Beej - Jiya Pota Seeds - Putra Jivak Beej - Putra Jeevak Beej looks like?

How to consume Putrajeevak Beej (Jiya Pota Seeds)?

How to use:  Consume 1/4 tsp (3-5 gm) with lukewarm water after a meal or as directed by health practitioner