What is Semal Phool (Bombax Malabaricum):

Trees of simbal are found in the Western Himalayas all the way up to an elevation of 1300 meters above sea level. They can be found growing in fields, village common lands, roadsides and forests.  A characteristic feature of simbal tree is that it is never seen growing in groups and always grows as a single isolated tree.

A tall deciduous tree with straight buttresses trunk and wide spreading branches; bark grey, covered with hard sharp conical prickles.    Leaves large, leaflets 3-7, entire, 7.5-18 cm long, glabrous, penninerved, reticulately veined, lanceolate or oval, cuspidate at their base; petioles 20 cm long.

Flowers numerous appearing before the new leaves; calyx thick corolla bright red tomentose petals elliptic oblong recurved with close parallel veins; stamens more than 60 arranged in 5 bundles ovary conical glabrous style a little longer than stamens


Simbal flowers, also known as Semal flowers, are used in many parts of India to treat a wide range of ailments. They are believed to have healing properties and are used widely by locals in the villages.

How Does Simbal Flower Help Me?

Simbal flower is best known for its treatment of leucorrhea and diarrhoea. It helps people who suffer from these diseases because it has anti-bacterial properties that can help kill harmful bacteria that cause these conditions.

This way, it prevents them from spreading further down into your body where they may cause other problems like food poisoning or even death if left untreated! Simbal flower also helps treat constipation because it has laxative properties that help move things along along smoothly through your colon!

The dry flowers, with poppy seeds, goats’ milk and sugar are boiled and inspissated. Two drachms of the conserve is to be given three times a day in cases of haemorrhoids. This is a very effective treatment for this ailment.

The flowers and fruit in combination with other drugs are recommended for the treatment of snake-bite and scorpion sting. The spines are used to treat pimples which develop on eyelids called hakhnaal (हख नाल).

The spines alongwith a drop or two of water are rubbed on a touchstone kind of stone and the paste is applied to pimples.  The pimples get cured in a day or two.  It is really a very effective treatment for this ailment.