What is Semal Roots - Simbal Musli :
Semal is a plant that grows in the forests of India. It is a herb. It has been used for centuries for treating dysentery, diarrhea, and menorrhagia. This herb also effectively helps in treating wounds.
The roots of semal also known as Simbal Musli, can be used to stop bleeding, gum can be used to reduce burning sensation, seeds may be useful in the treatment of chronic cystitis and gonorrhea.
The roots are sweet, cooling, stimulant, restorative, astringent, alternative, aphrodisiac, demulcent and tonic. They are used in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, menorrhagia, styptic and for wounds.
The flowers are astringent and good for skin troubles and hemorrhoids. Flowers can also be used to treat gonorrhea and chronic cystitis. The bark is mucilaginous and demulcent in nature. It is useful in treating wounds and to stop bleeding.
Other Names: Roktosimul, Shimul, Simul, Mochras, Silk Cotton Tree, Red Kapok Tree, Simal Tree Bombax malabaricum DC, Arbre En soie De Coton, Fromager, Shemlo, Shemlano Gund (Gum), Semal, Deokapas, Shimul, Mochras (Gum), Bombax malabaricum DC, Sanvar, Sanvari Cha Deek, Sembhal, Gond Supari, Simble, Mocharas (Gum), Rakta Shalmali, Panchparnil, Sembhal, Mooshli, Musly, Mushali, Museli, Ceiba, Semul, Salmali, Lal Musli, Red Musli, Sambal Musli, Muslie, Shimool, Simble Musli
Benefits of Semal Roots - Simbal Musli:
Are you looking for a natural remedy that can help you get rid of fatigue and exhaustion? Or maybe you're having trouble getting erections. Well, look no further! Semal Roots may be able to help you with all of this.
It contains a blend of herbs and other ingredients that work together to produce an effect in your body. It's designed to help relieve fatigue and exhaustion, improve appetite, act as a remedy for anorexia and malnourishment, manage libido levels in men, treat nocturnal emissions and weak reproductive systems, and much more!
If you're looking for a way to improve your energy levels or relieve pain associated with rheumatism or arthritis, Simbal Musli is definitely worth checking out!
How to use Semal Roots - Simbal Musli:
Take 1 teaspoon of Simbal Musli with a glass of water two times a day after meals.
1 Comment(s)
It's good for health. I think that my grandparent will like this gift.
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