Sendha namak, a type of salt, is generated when salt water evaporates from a sea or lake, leaving behind multicoloured crystals of sodium chloride. It is also known as halite, saindhava lavana, and rock salt. Although Himalayan pink salt is one of the most well-known forms of salt jadi, there are several more.

Sendha namak is highly appreciated in Ayurveda, an Indian system of alternative medicine. According to this belief, rock salts provide several health benefits, including the treatment of colds and coughs, as well as assisting digestion and vision.

However, you may be wondering if these assertions are scientifically supported. Here are six evidence-based benefits and applications for sendha namak. 

  • May provide trace minerals:
  • Salt jadi is a popular misperception that salt and sodium are interchangeable.
  • Although sodium is present in all salts, sodium is only one component of a salt crystal.
  • Because of the chloride compounds it contains, table salt is also known as sodium chloride.
  • Both of these minerals are required by your body for good wellness .
  • Notably, sendha namak contains trace amounts of other minerals such as iron, zinc, nickel, cobalt, manganese, and copper.

These minerals are responsible for the varied colours of rock salt. However, because the levels of these compounds are so low, sendha namak should not be used as a primary source of these nutrients. 

Reduces your chances of having low sodium levels. You may be aware that too much salt can be harmful to your health, but too little sodium can also be harmful. Inadequate sodium intake can result in poor sleep, mental issues, seizures and convulsions, and, in severe circumstances, coma and even death.

Furthermore, low sodium levels have been associated to falls, shakiness, and attention deficits. In a study of 122 adults hospitalised for low sodium levels, 21.3 percent fell, compared to only 5.3 percent of patients with normal blood salt levels.

As a result, ingesting even little amounts of rock salt with your meals may help you maintain your levels. 

  • May improve muscle cramps
  • Muscle cramps have long been connected to electrolyte and salt imbalances.
  • Electrolytes are minerals that your body requires for normal neuron and muscle function.
  • Potassium electrolyte abnormalities, in particular, are thought to be a risk factor for muscular cramps.
  • Because sendha namak includes a variety of electrolytes, it may aid in the relief of muscle cramps and pains. Nonetheless, no studies have particularly evaluated rock salts for this purpose, and electrolyte data is equivocal.

Several human studies demonstrate that while electrolytes lessen the sensitivity of your muscles to cramps, they do not necessarily prevent cramps.

Furthermore, new study suggests that electrolytes and water may not have as much of an impact on muscle cramps as previously thought. 

May aid digestion

Rock salt is used as a home cure for a variety of digestive disorders in traditional Ayurvedic traditions, including stomach worms, heartburn, bloating, constipation, stomach discomfort, and vomiting. It is simply substituted for table salt in dishes.

However, scientific research on many of these applications is limited. Nonetheless, rock salts are often used in lassi, a classic Indian yoghurt drink. Several studies have found that yoghurt can help with digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhoea, bacterial infections, and even some allergies. 

May treat sore throats

A classic home treatment for sore throats is gargling with salt water. This approach is not only beneficial according to research, but it is also recommended by groups such as the American Cancer Society. As a result, utilising sendha namak in a saltwater solution to treat sore throats and other oral diseases may be beneficial. When compared to flu shots and face masks, one research of 338 adults found that saltwater gargling was the most effective prophylactic intervention for upper respiratory infections. 

May aid skin health

Sendha namak has the potential to improve skin health. According to Ayurvedic medicine, rock salts can cleanse, strengthen, and renew skin tissue. Although proof for many of these claims is limited, research suggests that fluids and electrolytes may be used to treat specific kinds of dermatitis. Furthermore, a 6-week study discovered that swimming in a magnesium solution containing 5% Dead Sea salt for 15 minutes every day dramatically reduced skin roughness and redness while improved skin moisture.

Because sea salt and rock salt are chemically similar, sendha namak may provide similar benefits. 

Sendha namak's potential negative effects

Sendha namak may cause a number of adverse effects.

Using rock salt instead of table salt, in particular, may result in iodine deficiency. Iodine is an essential nutrient that is often added to table salt but not to sendha namak. It is required for growth, development, and metabolism.

The only other risk related with rock salt is excessive usage. Excessive salt consumption can result in illnesses such as high blood pressure and hyperchloremia, or elevated chloride levels, which can induce weariness and muscle weakness.

Most dietary standards recommend keeping your sodium consumption between 1,500 and 2,300 mg per day.