Have you ever thought of What is Kabab Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper)? It looks very similar to Black Pepper in appearance, then what is the difference? Is it same as Black Pepper, and another name of it? 

Here, we will answer all your queries about Kabab Chini in depth. It is a lesser-known wonderful herb that is used in many Herbal, Ayurvedic and Unani Medicines.

Kabab Chini are the dried berries of the tree known as Piper Cubeba. The Piper Cubeba is called with the name of Cubeb in common language. Due to its pungent, flavorful and aromatic taste, it is used as the Spice in Indian Dishes and Cuisines, like Biryani.

The Top 8 Amazing Benefits of Kabab Chini are as follows:

  1. Sexual Wellness – Kabab Chini is widely used in medicines related to Sexual Wellness. It is very useful in the treatment of Low Sperm Count and Erectile dysfunction. Kabab Chini Powder consumed with Mishri and Milk regularly for 2 to 3 months may help in curing this issue.

  2. Swelling and Inflammation – The powder of Kabab Chini, also known as Shital Chini, due to its cooling properties, should be applied to the affected area. It significantly removes the swelling within few Days.

  3. Mouth Ulcers and Swollen Gums – Kabab Chini Powder mixed with Hiney should be applied to Mouth Ulcer and Swollen Gums to have immediate relief.

  4. Mouth Wash – Kabab Chini powder Mouth Wash gives great results within shorter period of time. To make it, take 20-30 pieces of Kabab chini, few pieces of Cinnamon, Few Mint Leaves, Few Basil Leaves, and a handful of Neem Leaves. Boil everything together in water until the water is left half. Strain it and use it as Mouth wash regularly to remove mouth odour.

  5. Constipation and Indigestion – Kabab Chini is very useful in Stomach related disorders. It should be regularly used with Turmeric to resolve Stomach related issues like Indigestion, Bloating, and Gastrointestinal issues.

  6.  Aromatic Spice – As we discussed above also, Kabab Chini is regularly used in Indian Spices due to its bitter, pungent and aromatic taste along with Bay Leaves, Cinnamon, Star Anise, and Black Cardamom. It will make your Biryani or Potpourri a must eat, if you’ll add a little Jaifal and Javitri along with Kabab Chini.

  7. Scalp Infections – It is very useful in curing the Scalp Infections. Mix few berries of Kabab Chini with Sesame Oil, Bhringraj, Haritaki and Champa Methi. Heat it for some time, and then massage the scalp with this oil to cure all kind of Scalp infections.

  8. Respiratory Disorders – Regular Intake of Kabab Chini helps in keeping Respiratory disorders at bay.

Other Names: Kabbaaba, Habb al-’aroos, Kharkoos, Kababchini, Sugandhmarich, Cubebs, Tailed-pepper, Java Pepper, False Pepper, Cubébe, Poivre à queue, Kubebenpfeffer, Schwanzpfeffer, Stielpfeffer, Chankabab, Chinikabab, Tadamiri, Kababchim, Kababchini, Sheetalchini, Sheetalmirch, Kankol, Gandhmenasu, Balmenasu, Piper cubeba Linn, Kankol, Kapurchini, Kankola, Kababah, Kababchini, Kababchini, Sardchini, Kankola, Kankolaka , Kababchini, Kababa, Kavab Chini, KavabChini, Pepar, Sard Cheeni

Frequently Asked Questions about Kabab Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper):

Q. How much Quantity of Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper) can be used daily safely?

Ans. You can use 1 tablespoon of Kabab Chini Powder, or 10-12 pieces of it daily without any worries.

Q. Is there any side effect of Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper)?

Ans. No, There is no side – effect of it, and can be regularly used in your diet and food. Still as we say, excess of everything is bad, so take it also in small proportions every day.

Q. What are other names of Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper)?

Ans. Kabab Chini is also known as Shital Chini, Kankol Mirch, Kankola and Cubeb.

Q. What is Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper) in Telugu?

Ans. It is known as Toka Miriyalu in Telugu.

Q. What is Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper) in Marathi?

Ans. In Marathic, Kabab Chini is called as Kankol.

Q. What is the name of Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper) in Gujarati?

Ans. It is known as Chinikabab in Gujarati

Q. What is the name of Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper) in Malyalam?

Ans. It is known as Valmulaku in Malyalam

Q What is Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper) known as in Tamil?

Ans. Shital Chini (Kabab Chini) is known as Val Milagu in Tamil.

Q. What is Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper) in Marathi?

Ans. Shital Chini is known as Himsimiri in Marathi.

Q. What is Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper) in English?

Ans. Shital Chini is known as Java Pepper, and Cubeb in English.

Q. What is Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper) in Hindi?

Ans. Shital Chini is known as Kankol Mirch, and Kankola, Sheetal Chini, and Kabab Cheeni in Hindi.

Q. What is Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper) in Gujarati?

Ans. Shital Chini is known as Tadamiri in Gujrati.

Q. What is the difference between Shital Chini (Piper Cubeba and Tailed Pepper) and Black Pepper? How to differentiate between them?

Ans. Shital Chini is very much similar in appearance as Black Pepper, however, there is a slight difference with which you can recognize Shital Chini instantly. There is a small tail attached to a Kabab Chini, while Black pepper is all round. Also, In comparison to Black Pepper, Kabab Chini has a slightly pungent and bitter taste.