Singhara Atta - Water Chestnut Flour

Water caltrop, water chestnut, ling nut, devil pod, bat nut, and buffalo nut are additional names for Singhara. They are widely distributed throughout Africa and Eurasia's warm temperate regions. This fruit has a shape that is similar to a flying bat or a bull's head. Large and starchy, each fruit is relatively many. It has been grown for for 3,000 years in China and the Indian subcontinent. This plant is known as "Hishi" in Japanese, which is a lozenge- or diamond-shaped shape.

Even though the fruit called Singhara may not be one of your favourites, you frequently find it in your home. This fruit begins to establish a home in our homes and hearts as the winter months approach! While many like to eat their seeds fresh, some individuals utilise dried and pulverised seeds as flour. Moreover, the powder is used in meals consumed during fasting.

Other Names : Singhare, Singada, Singade, Singhara Aata, Shringataka

Singhara Benefits for Health

1. Keeps You Fit
Singhara might be useful for you if you are calorie cautious and watch everything before you eat. It is fiber-enriched and promotes weight loss. This is just one of the benefits of using singhara to make flour. Fiber aids in weight loss and guards against a number of illnesses like cancer, heart attacks, and jaundice.

2. A Gluten-free Option
Singhara flour can be a viable substitute for you if you are allergic to gluten or if it affects your stomach. Without having to worry about your stomach, you can enjoy singhara flour chapatis.

3. Helps Manage Your Blood Pressure
Several fatal health problems could result from high blood pressure. You need to keep an eye on your blood pressure as it increases. Singhara contains a lot of potassium, which offsets sodium's effects and lowers high blood pressure. Singhara is a low-cholesterol dish that is also referred to as a heart-friendly option.

4. Relieves Cough
Singhara's antioxidant capabilities are very good at reducing cough symptoms. The singhara can be ground into a fine powder and added to tea or juice to help with coughing. Singhara contains vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are perfect for delivering quick relief from coughing and throat issues.