What is Suranjan Bitter( Colchicum luteum):

Colchicum is a perennial herb found in the Himalayas. Corms are ovoid, oblong, 1.5-3.5 x 1-2 cm, flattened at the base, with longitudinal groove on one side. Coat is brown to dark-brown, membranous. Flowers are yellow, funnel-shaped, 3-4 cm across. Tepals are 6, united below into a long, narrow tube, up to 9 cm long. Segments are linear to inverted-lanceshaped, 2-3 cm long, pointed to blunt. Stamens are 6, attached at the base of the tepals, not protruding. Filaments are 4-5 mm long, anthers yellow, linear, 1-1.5 cm long. Ovary is superior and trilocular with three locules separated by two layers of septum and connective tissue (Figs 1). Fruits form at maturity.

Other Names: Qalb al-’ard, Sooranjaan, Haafir al-muhr, Assabi’ Hurmas, Colchicum, Autumn Crocus, Meadow Saffron, Naked Lady, Colchique, Gelbe Zeitlose, Gelbe Herbstzeitlose, Hiran Tutiya, Suranjaan Kadwi, Colchicum luteum Baker, Suranjan, Hiranyatutha, Suranjan Shirin, Suranjan Talkh, Sooranjan

Suranjan Bitter is advantageous to consume due to its multiple benefits such as treating liver associated issues and maintain a healthy gut. It does so by treating constipation and indigestion. Key Benefits: It is helpful in treating all kinds of liver and spleen related problems.

It is used as a carminative, laxative, aphrodisiac and alterative, and is given for gout, rheumatism and diseases of the liver and spleen. It is also used for external application to lessen inflammation and pain Colchicum is a plant known for its medicinal properties. It can be used effectively to treat rheumatic swelling, and a paste made with saffron and egg can be applied beneficially to rheumatic and other swellings. Dried and powdered root of the plant is useful in the healing of wounds. It should be sprinkled on the affected area.

Suranjan Bitter is advantageous to consume due to its multiple benefits such as treating liver associated issues and maintain a healthy gut. It does so by treating constipation and indigestion. Key Benefits: It is helpful in treating all kinds of liver and spleen related problems.

The corms of Colchicum autumnale is chiefly used to relieve the pain and inflammation and shorten the duration of acute gout and certain gouty infections. It is also used for external application to lessen inflammation and pain.