An essential arsenic substance utilised in Ayurveda is called manashila. It happens naturally, but it needs to be cleaned up before use. Arsenic disulphide makes up the chemical composition. Arsenic and sulphur are both present in two molecules each. Manashila has been used for a variety of therapeutic purposes since antiquity. Keep it at room temperature at all times.
Manashila can be cleansed in one of two methods. First, a muslin cloth is used to tie them together. And after that, it is cooked for around three hours in a dolayantra (purification apparatus) using a decoction of turmeric. Second, ginger juice is used to process Manshila. For seven days, this is carried out seven times. Purification is finished once the process is over.
It serves as an anti-toxin in Ayurveda. Additionally, it is used to treat skin conditions, bronchitis, cough, and asthma. They have an orange-red hue. It is also known as The Red Arsenic and is a delicate crystalline solid.
The following other names are also well-known:
Realgar, Mansil, Man-ganch, Manushila, Warangan
Manashila is used frequently to treat eye and skin conditions because of its powerful therapeutic characteristics. It helps the body rid itself of impurities and is used to treat bronchitis, cough, sleeplessness, and a number of mental illnesses.
It can also be used as Antipyretic, Sedative, Detoxifier, Leprosy prevention, Anti-inflammatory, Laxative.
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