Is there any difference between Kala Jeera and Safed Jeera (Regular Spice in Indian Households)?
Kala Jeera and Safed Jeera are altogether different. Don't assume them to be same. Both have different appearance. Shahi Jeera has comparatively longer size. It is darker than Safed Jeera, and thin.
How Kala Jira looks like?
What are other names o..
Jamun, a highly healthy, delicious, and succulent summer fruit, offers numerous health benefits. Syzygium cumini is the botanical name for the Java plum or Indian blackberry, Jamun or Jambul in Hindi, Jambufalam or Mahaphala in Sanskrit, Naavar Pazham in Tamil, and Neredu in Telugu.
The tall tree with a thick trunk, Jamun, is native to the Indian..
गर्मियों में आपको बाजारों में काले रंग का एक शानदार फल दिखाई देगा, जिसे देखते ही मुंह में पानी आ जाता है। सही पहचाना, हम जामुन की बात कर रहे हैं, जो गर्मियों का लोकप्रिय फल है। इसके ऊपरी हिस्से को खाने में मजा आता है और बीज को हम आमतौर पर फेंक देते हैं। लेकिन ठहरिए। क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि जामुन का बीज आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए कितना फायदेमंद हो सकता ..
Form: Dried Raw Herb
Other Names: Harad, Bal harad, Himaj, Kali Harar, Harad Choti, Baal Hirda, Haritki, Black Small Harad, Haleela, Halila, Harade, Hareer, Harda Chota, Himage, Hirada
Form: Dried Raw Herb
Other Names: Raee Kali
Dijon mustard is made from the pungent-tasting herb kali sarson. Compared to black mustard seeds, brown mustard seeds are simpler to harvest. Brown mustard seed has replaced black mustard seed in a large number of mustard condiments.
A Kali Sarson Barley, a v..
Abhrak Bhasm is a purified Abrak , also known as Mica. It is used in lots of Ayurvedic , Herbal and Unani Medicines. It is used in the treatment of Indigestion, Cough and Cold, and Diabetes.
Abhrak (Black Mica) is essentially made up of a variety of different minerals, nutrients, and elements. Magnesium, aluminium, silicon, oxygen, and hydrogen ar..
Remarkable Advantages of Harad: From Boosting Digestion to Easing Piles
Harad, widely known as Haritaki, is a renowned herb that is one of the three components in Triphala—a popular home remedy in India. Esteemed in Ayurveda for its myriad benefits, Harad (Halela Siyah) is believed to balance the tridoshas, which include bile, phlegm, and vata. It..
What is Siras Kala seeds:
Siras Kala, or Saras seeds, is a medicinal tree native to Indian subcontinent and parts of southeast Asia and northern Australia. It is used to prepare various medicines in Ayurveda. This tree contains alkaloids, tannins, saponins and flavonoids which have medicinal action. If you're interested in keeping your head clear,..
A common plant in the Ayurvedic medical system, bala means "strong" in English. It is a powerful herb that is used to improve the body's
overall stamina and strengthen bones, muscles, and joints. The plant is known as a herb for beauty and is connected to the ancient Hindu
Goddess of grace and beauty, Parvathi. It is a perennial herb with the sci..
Form: Raw Herb
Other Names:
Adaatoodaa, Jauz al-maalaabaar , Malabar Nut Tree, Carmantine, Noix de Malabar, Arusa, Adusa, Arusha, Rusa, Bansa, Basonta , Adhatoda vasica, Vasa, Adulsa, Adusa, Bans, Khwaja, Bhekar, Vansa, Arusa, Vasaka, Vasaka, Adulsa, Arusak, Sinhaparni, Vansa, Adarushah, Berge Arusa, Berge Adusa, Berge Bansa, Barg - e - Aroosa..
A unique blend of 4 ayurvedic herbs & spices including Basil Leaf (Tulsi Patta) , Dry Ginger (Sonth), Cinnamon (Dalchini) , and Black Pepper (Kali Mirch) .
Recommended for Family Protection, Use Regularly to help building strong immunity against Flu, Viral infections & illness.
Powerful Herbal Ingredients to Boost Immunity, Improve ..
Agarwood works to increase appetite by monitoring the liver and gastric fluids. It aids in stomach distension and aids in the digestive system's wind discharge. Along these lines, it also lessens stomach pain and problems brought on by an abundance of gas in the nourishing canal.
Agarwood works to increase appetite by monitoring the liver and ga..