Bhimseni kapur can be utilized in numerous ways. It is considered as a significant fixing in vapor rubs, ointments and liniments as the oil is said to mollify agony and lessen tingling. It additionally helps in keeping cockroaches, moths and different creepy crawlies under control from our closet. Camphor is utilized in religious functions as wel..
Cinnamon is the most popular and one of the oldest spice originate from Sri Lanka. It is made of inner bark of cinnamomum tree. This bark contain several compound including cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid and cinnamate. There are two type of cinnamon : ceylon and cassia. cassia Cinnamon is widely available in the market. ceylon grows primarly in Sri..
***तेज दिमाग का पासवर्ड है 'दालचीनी'***
इस डिजिटल जमाने में सबकुछ फास्ट होता जा रहा है। एक पासवर्ड नहीं बल्कि कई पासवर्ड याद रखने पड़ते हैं। जैसे फोन का पासवर्ड, नेट बैंकिंग का पासवर्ड, एटीएम (ATM Pin) का पासवर्ड और न जाने क्या-क्या। अब ऐसे में सवाल यह उठता है कि आखिर मस्तिष्क को तेज कैसे रखा जाए जिससे याददाश्त कमजोर न हो।
दालचीनी के फायदे-