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IndianJadiBooti Health Blog - Withania Somnifera RSS Feed

18 Jun Top 5 benefits of IndianJadiBooti Ashwagandha
0 10650
Ashwagandha has been playing a very important role in our lives since ancient times. It is considered a tree used in a medicinal. It provides agility to the body. Ashwagandha is called a tonic because it increases physical ability and wellness. Ashwagandha is called Indian ginseng in English. The  Ashwagandha tree and its ordnance properties have b..
0 11021
  You must have heard the name of Ashwagandha many times. Must have seen advertisements for Ashwagandha etc. in newspapers or TV. You must be wondering what Ashwagandha is or what is the quality of Ashwagandha? Actually Ashwagandha is a herb. Ashwagandha is used in many diseases. Do you know that Ashwagandha is used to reduce obesity, force and cu..
0 11029
The ashwagandha plant, one of the most dominant herbs in Ayurvedic mending, has been utilized since old occasions for a wide assortment of conditions. It is most outstanding for its helpful and reviving advantages. In Sanskrit ashwagandha signifies "the smell of a steed," showing that the herb can possibly confer the life and quality of a stallio..
0 10801
The ashwagandha plant, one of the most dominant herbs in Ayurvedic mending, has been utilized since old occasions for a wide assortment of conditions. It is most outstanding for its helpful and reviving advantages. In Sanskrit ashwagandha signifies "the smell of a steed," showing that the herb can possibly confer the life and quality of a stallio..
0 10761
The ashwagandha plant, one of the most dominant herbs in Ayurvedic mending, has been utilized since old occasions for a wide assortment of conditions. It is most outstanding for its helpful and reviving advantages. In Sanskrit ashwagandha signifies "the smell of a steed," showing that the herb can possibly confer the life and quality of a stallio..
15 Jul Ashwagandha : Benefits and uses
5 11578
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a incredible ancient herb. It has been used in centuries for improving mental and physical health. Ashwagandha plant is a small shrub with yellow flower that is native to India, Middle East and various part of Africa. It has wide range of health benefits, which include its ability to reduce stress , anxiety, bloo..
27 Jun अश्वंगधा के उपयोग और  फायदे -
0 10780
आज हम आपको बताने जा रहे है एक ऐसी औषधीय  के बारे में जिसका नाम है  अश्वगंधा  जो की  प्राचीनकाल से  अश्वंगधा  हमारे जीवन  में  महतपूर्ण भूमिका निभा रहा है | और हम आपको बता दे  अश्वंगधा  के पेड़ और इसके ओषधीय गुणो का वर्णन परम्पिक चीनी चिकित्सा और आयुर्वेद दोनों में किया गया है। कहा जाता  है की ये एक ऐसा पेड़ है  जो औषद्यि  के रूप  में जाना जाता है  और..
04 May Ashwagandha Latte – for a Peaceful Sleep at night and for Instant Energy
272 11111
Now, we at  is here again with an amazing recipe of Ashwagandha Latte. The name seems tempting, and you are feeling to have it just now. Right? But hey wait, how come the peaceful sleep and instant energy at the same time? This is the next question in your mind. After all, both are just opposites. If you are having in..
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)
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