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IndianJadiBooti Health Blog - bhoomi RSS Feed

09 Nov Benefits of Tongkat Ali Root Powder -  Eurycoma Longifolia - Long Jack - Pasak Bhoomi
39 1290
The herbal treatment Tongkat Ali Longjack Roots (Eurycoma Longifolia) has long been used in traditional Southeast Asian medicine. It is frequently used to treat a number of illnesses, including as bacterial infections, erectile dysfunction, and fevers. It is well recognized and well-documented that Tongkat Ali has the ability to raise testosterone..
02 Nov Benefits of Bhumi Amla (Powder) - Bhumi Aamla - Bhoomi Awla - Phyllanthus Niruri
0 940
In Sanskrit, Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri) is also known as 'Dukong anak' and 'Bhumi Amalaki.' The entire plant has a variety of therapeutic benefits. Because of its hepatoprotective, antioxidant, and antiviral properties, Bhumi Amla aids in the management of liver problems and reverses any liver damage. It also aids in the prevention of ulcers ..
02 Nov What is Bhumi Amla (Panchang) - Bhumi Aamla - Bhoomi Awla - Phyllanthus Niruri
0 425
Bhumi Amla is a tropical plant that is widely cultivated in coastal regions of India, China, and islands in North and Central America. It is an important herb in Ayurveda for treating liver problems as well as many other health concerns. Only growing to a height of 50 to 70 cm, the plant has smooth, light-green bark and herbaceous branches with tin..
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