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IndianJadiBooti Health Blog - bitter RSS Feed

09 Nov Benefits of Varahikand - Dioscorea bulbifera - Air Potato - Varahi Kand - Bitter Yam
0 1584
Indian kudzu is another name for the perennial herb known as vidarik. This renewing herb's tubers (roots) are primarily utilised as an immunity-booster and restorative tonic. Due to its spermatogenic property, the roots of Vidarikand aid in boosting a mother's milk supply and the quality and quantity of semen in males, which improves sperm count an..
09 Nov Benefits of Suranjan Bitter - Suranjaan Kadwi - Colchicum luteum
2 763
What is Suranjan Bitter( Colchicum luteum): Colchicum is a perennial herb found in the Himalayas. Corms are ovoid, oblong, 1.5-3.5 x 1-2 cm, flattened at the base, with longitudinal groove on one side. Coat is brown to dark-brown, membranous. Flowers are yellow, funnel-shaped, 3-4 cm across. Tepals are 6, united below into a long, narrow tube, up ..
07 Nov Benefits of Koshiya Lakdi - Quassia Wood - Bitterwood - Bitter Wood - Bitter Ash
0 536
Quassia is a kind of plant. The wood is utilised in traditional medicine. Quassia is used to treat anorexia, as well as indigestion, constipation, and fever. It's also used to get rid of worms in the intestines, as a tonic or purgative, and as a mouthwash. For lice, some individuals administer quassia directly to the scalp. Quassia is used to trea..
03 Nov Benefits of Tumba - Indrayan Roots - Indrain Jadd - Indrayun- Bitter Apple - Citrullus colocynthis
0 494
Why is Indrayan Roots having Botanical name as Colocynth (Indrayan) is a useful Ayurvedic herb?  There are many herbs used in Ayurveda to treat various illnesses. Colocynth (Indrayan) is a beneficial herb with powerful healing properties. This plant's parts are all useful. We use it to treat a variety of medical conditions, from the roots to the s..
03 Nov Benefits of Indrayan Phal - Indrain Fal - Tumba - Indrayun - Bitter Apple - Citrullus colocynthis
0 479
What is Indrayan Phal (Citrullus colocynthis): Indrayan Phal Citrullus colocynthis (bitter apple) is an important plant that is widely distributed in the desert areas of the world. It is a valuable cucurbit plant, with wide medicinal uses and pharmaceutical and nutraceutical potential.  It is evident from the literature that Citrullus colocynthis ..
03 Nov Benefits of Indrayan Phal (Powder) - Indrain Fal - Tumba - Indrayun - Bitter Apple - Citrullus colocynthis
0 415
Order Indrayan Phal Powder Online at Best Price.IndianJadiBooti The indrayan phal plant is a desert vine that thrives in arid, sandy soils. The fruit's outer layer is clothed in a green skin with yellow stripes. The fruits could also be yellow. A thin but rigid rind distinguishes the ripe fruits. The fruits' white pulp is soft, dry, and spongy, an..
03 Nov इन्द्रायण बीज के फायदे - तुंबा बीज - सिट्रुलस कोलोसिन्थिस
4 531
इंद्रायण की परिभाषा, उसके विभिन्न प्रकार और उसके सेवन से होने वाले स्वास्थ्य लाभों के बारे में जानकारी। यह फल किस तरह से पाया जाता है, इसकी कितनी किस्में हैं और इसे खाने से शरीर को क्या-क्या फायदे मिलते हैं, इन सभी पहलुओं पर प्रकाश डाला गया है। इंद्रायण एक बारहमासी बेल है जो भारत के रेतीले इलाकों में उगाई जाती है। इसकी तीन किस्में होती हैं: बड़ी, ..
02 Nov Benefits of Bitter Gourd Small - Karela Chota - Momordica charantia
0 370
What is Bitter Gourd Small Small Bitter gourd is another vegetable with numerous names. The names bitter melon, bitter cucumber, balsam-pear, bitter apple, and bitter squash are all interchangeable. This vegetable is also known as ampalaya in the Philippines, karela in India, nigauri in Japan, goya in Okinawa, and ku-gua in China.\ How Bitter Gou..
02 Nov Benefits of Bitter Gourd Powder - Karela Powder - Momordica charantia
0 359
Form: Dried Raw Herb - Powder The bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.), often referred to as bitter apple, bitter melon, or balsam pear, is a tropical vine that is a member of the family Cucubitaceae and genus Momordica of the order Cucurbitales. The plant is widely grown in India, China, and South East Asia as a vegetable and medicinal crop..
02 Nov Benefits of Bitter Gourd Big - Karela Bada - Momordica charantia
0 490
Bitter gourd is a green-skinned vegetable with white to translucent flesh and a bitter taste. It may take some time to get used to the bitter flavor of bitter gourd if you did not grow up eating it.  Bitter gourd is another vegetable with numerous names. Bitter melon, bitter cucumber, balsam-pear, bitter apple, and bitter squash are all names for ..
02 Nov Benefits of Atish Kadwi - Ativisha Bitter - Atiwisha - Ateesh - Aconitum heterophyllum
0 489
Atis, also known as Ativisha, is a tall herb mainly grown in the Himalayan region. The plant is mentioned in the Atharva Veda and used to be kept as a revenue plant. It has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. It has a wide range of uses including its ability to relax and soothe muscles, reduce pain, anxiety and stress. This her..
23 Jul Top 5 Benefits of IndianJadiBooti Karela
0 10340
Bitter gourd is bitter in taste, and slightly pungent. Diabetic patients especially consume bitter gourd juice and vegetables. Consumption of bitter gourd benefits in many diseases such as digestive system malfunction, loss of appetite, stomach pain, fever, and eye diseases. You can also take the benefit of bitter gourd in vaginal or uterine dise..
Showing 1 to 12 of 14 (2 Pages)
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