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IndianJadiBooti Health Blog - chota RSS Feed

06 Nov Benefits of Kala Dana Chota - Black Seeds - Kala Beej - Morning Glory Seeds - Ipomoea nil
The morning glory with ivy-like leaves, or Kala Dana Chota, is a blooming member of the bindweed family. The blue to rose-purple Kala Dana Chota flowers have a white inner throat and bloom from summer through late fall, a native to India twining plant. The seeds are practically black in appearance, with the exception of the micropyle, where they ..
03 Nov इमली बीज छोटा के लाभ - इमली बीज छोटा - इमली बीज छोटे - Tamarindus indica
0 365
पुरुषों के लिए इमली के बीज का चूर्ण: स्वास्थ्य लाभ पुरुषों द्वारा इमली के बीज के चूर्ण का नियमित सेवन उनके यौन स्वास्थ्य को सुधार सकता है, साथ ही कई अन्य लाभ भी प्रदान करता है। इमली का उपयोग भोजन और पेय में खट्टा-मीठा स्वाद जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है। इसके औषधीय गुणों के कारण, इसका उपयोग कई आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं में भी होता है। हालांकि, लोग अक्सर इमली ..
03 Nov Benefits of Gokhru Small Powder- Gokharu Chota Powder - Tribulus terrestris - Caltrops - Khar e Khasak
0 483
what is Gokhru powder? Gokhru, additionally called Gokshura & Tribulus Terrestris, is an Indian Ayurvedic herb derived from the Tribulus plant. Gokhru powder is maximum typically regarded for its aphrodisiac (a substance that will increase sexual desire), immunity-boosting, and rejuvenation properties. Gokshura is derived from Sanskrit words, `..
03 Nov Benefits of Gokhru Small - Gokharu Chota - Tribulus terrestris - Caltrops - Khar e Khasak
0 383
What is Gokhru Small (Tribulus terrestris): Tribulus terrestris is an annual plant in the caltrop family with small woody fruit having long sharp and strong spines. It is sometimes referred to as "Chinese rhubarb," but it's actually a cousin of senna and has a similar effect on your stomach. The root and fruit of the plant have been used medicinal..
02 Nov Benefits of Bitter Gourd Small - Karela Chota - Momordica charantia
0 418
What is Bitter Gourd Small Small Bitter gourd is another vegetable with numerous names. The names bitter melon, bitter cucumber, balsam-pear, bitter apple, and bitter squash are all interchangeable. This vegetable is also known as ampalaya in the Philippines, karela in India, nigauri in Japan, goya in Okinawa, and ku-gua in China.\ How Bitter Gou..
23 Jul Top 5 Benefits of IndianJadiBooti Karela
0 10368
Bitter gourd is bitter in taste, and slightly pungent. Diabetic patients especially consume bitter gourd juice and vegetables. Consumption of bitter gourd benefits in many diseases such as digestive system malfunction, loss of appetite, stomach pain, fever, and eye diseases. You can also take the benefit of bitter gourd in vaginal or uterine dise..
1 11886
Benefits of Tamarind Seeds and Their Uses Tamarind seeds, often discarded after the fruit is consumed, have remarkable health benefits. Utilizing these seeds can help prevent various illnesses at home. Although tamarind seeds are small, they offer significant health advantages. Typically, people have tried raw or ripe tamarind or even its leaves,..
0 10575
When you hear the name of Karela, bitterness comes to your mind. The taste of this green or dark green vegetable may not be the mind, but it contains plenty of antioxidants and essential vitamins. We can use Karela in many forms. We can drink juice, make pickles or use it as a vegetable. Karela's intake also gets rid of facial stains, mouth and ..
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