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IndianJadiBooti Health Blog - cordifolia RSS Feed

08 Nov Benefits of Sat Giloy - Giloi Extract - Guduchi - Amrita - Amruta - Tinospora cordifolia
0 508
giloy extract Giloy herb is ground, soaked, and stirred in water to create giloy satva, a starchy extraction. To obtain this herbal cure, the water is taken out and the starchy portion is dried. Many vedic books give this Ayurveda concoction great praise for its quality. Due to its remarkable abilities as an aphrodisiac, immunostimulant, hepatopr..
07 Nov Benefits of Majith Root Powder - Manjistha Root Powder - Manjith Powder - Majeeth Powder - Madder Powder - Rubia cordifolia Powder
0 215
manjistha powder Other Names: Arook Ahmer, Fuvvaj, Manjistha, Manjith, Qian cao gen, Indian Madder, Garance de l’Inde, Ostasiatischer Krapp, Manjitha, Manjith, Majith, Manjustha , Rubia cordifolia Linn, Majith, Rabunas, Manjistha, Manjit, Manjishtha, Yojnavalli, Rakta, Majeeth, Manjhista Manjistha, also known as Indian Madder, is regarded as on..
07 Nov Benefits of Majith Root - Manjistha Root - Manjith - Majeeth - Madder - Rubia cordifolia
0 370
What is Majith Root(Rubia cordifolia): Rubia cordifolia is a climbing plant that grows in the forests of Pakistan, India, China, Korea, Japan and Mongolia. The roots have been used to dye silk and wool red since ancient times of time on account of the pigment alizarin. The stems are slender and quadrangular. The leaves are simple, opposite and stip..
03 Nov Benefits of Giloy Stem Powder - Giloi - Guduchi - Amrita - Amruta - Tinospora cordifolia
0 242
Giloy, also known as Guduchi, is an ancient herb with heart-shaped leaves that resemble betel leaves. Giloy (or Tinospora cordifolia) is a herb that has been used for everything from treating chronic fever to boosting digestion and immunity.  The stem is the most useful, but the root can also be used. Giloy can be consumed as a juice, powder, or k..
03 Nov Benefits of Giloy Stem - Giloi - Guduchi - Amrita - Amruta - Tinospora cordifolia
0 224
Have you ever wondered what Giloy is? Giloy In Ayurveda, is referred to as a `Madhunashini` which means `destroyer of sugar`. Additionally referred to as Amrita or Guduchi in Hindi, it is a herb that allows enhance digestion and improve immunity. It has heart-fashioned leaves that resemble betel leaves. All components of the plant are utilized i..
02 Nov Benefits of Beej Band Red - Beejband Lal - Bijband Lal - Sida cordifolia
2 829
Form: Raw Herb- Seeds Beej Band Herbs is considered to be one of the most valuable drugs in Ayurveda. Bala Seed is used by Ayurveda physicians as an  antipyretic in febrile and infectious diseases, and also as an aphrodisiac. Sida Cordifolia (Beej Band) is also useful in the treatment  of chronic broncho-pulminary conditions characterized by bronch..
02 Nov Benefits of Beej Band Black - Beejband Kala - Bijband Kala - Sida cordifolia - Bala
0 701
A common plant in the Ayurvedic medical system, bala means "strong" in English. It is a powerful herb that is used to improve the body's  overall stamina and strengthen bones, muscles, and joints. The plant is known as a herb for beauty and is connected to the ancient Hindu  Goddess of grace and beauty, Parvathi. It is a perennial herb with the sci..
28 Sep Top 5 Benefits of IndianJadiBooti’s Manjistha
0 10577
Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia or Manjistha plant) is a herb that is used in Ayurveda as healing medicine for a variety of ailments. The root, stem, fruit and leaf of Manjistha or Madjith are used for medicine. Manjistha works as a treatment for beauty related problems, female related physical problems, as well as helps in getting relief from variou..
0 10441
Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is an ancient herb that is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicines. According to Ayurveda principle Giloy help in neutralising the three doshas in body namely vata, pitta, kapha ,vital for overall wellbeing .Giloy is a very powerful herb, beneficial for preventing fever,general weakness, urinary, boost immunity, prote..
0 10667
Giloy is a widespread herb that helps increase immunity. It is a powerhouse of cancer prevention agents which battle free-radicals, keep your cells solid and dispose of infections. Giloy helps evacuate poisons, cleanses blood, battles microorganisms that causes illnesses and furthermore battles liver ailments and urinary tract diseases.  It dimi..
13 Jul  Health Benefits of Giloy
0 10304
Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is an ancient herb that is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicines. According to Ayurveda principle Giloy help in neutralising the three doshas in body namely vata, pitta, kapha ,vital for overall wellbeing. Giloy is a very powerful herb, beneficial for preventing fever, general weakness, urinary, boost immunity, protec..
04 Jul गिलोय के फायदे और औषिधिक गुड़ -
0 10436
चर्म रोग, पीलिया, बवासीर, गठिया, खून की कमी जैसे 10 रोगों को जड़ से खत्म कर सकता है ये इस का इस्तेमाल सांप या अन्य जहरीले जानवर के काटने पर शरीर में फैले विष को निकालने में भी किया जाता है। आजकल खराब लाइफस्टाइल, डाइट और एक्सरसाइज की कमी के चलते बवासीर, गठिया, चर्म रोग जैसी समस्याएं बहुत आम हो गई हैं। इनके इलाज के लिए लोगों को हजारों रुपए खर्च करने..
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)
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