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IndianJadiBooti Health Blog - cut RSS Feed

09 Nov Benefits of Thyme Leaves (Tea Cut Format) - Thymus Vulgaris
279 1338
What is  Thyme Leaves: Thyme is an herb from the mint family that you probably recognize from your spice set, but it’s so much more than an afterthought ingredient. Its range of use is impressive. And according to a 2014 study, it has over 400 subspecies—that’s four times as many as rosemary, which is also from the mint family. USES: Thyme has ..
08 Nov Benefits of Parsley Leaves (Tea Cut Format)- Petroselinum Crispum
0 693
Order Parsley Leaves Online at Best Price.IndianJadiBooti Peroselinum crispum, often known as prajmoda, is a common plant used as a garnish in practically every nation in the world. Originating in South Europe, this plant spread quickly throughout the world throughout the Middle Ages as a garnishing herb. In India, Parsley is grown in rich, moi..
08 Nov Benefits of Oregano Leaves (Tea Cut Format) - Origanum Vulgare
1 763
What is Oregano Leaves: Oregano is a aromatic perennial herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae). It is native to the hills of the Mediterranean countries and western Asia. The herb has naturalized in parts of Mexico and the United States. Oregano has long been an essential ingredient of Mediterranean cooking, and it's widely used to season many foods. ..
07 Nov Benefits of Marjoram Leaves (Tea Cut Format) - Marva - Marua - Thai Basil - Pabri
0 497
Marjoram is a herb. People make medicine from the flowers, leaves, and oil. Marjoram has a warm, spicy scent and slightly bitter taste. It has been used historically to soothe digestive complaints, heartburn and nausea. Marjoram is an herb. You may find it in your local grocery store or natural foods store, as well as many other places. People make..
07 Nov Benefits of Lemon Grass (Tea cut Format) - Fever Grass - Lemongrass - Gul e Bakhoor
0 614
What is  Lemon Grass( Gul e Bakhoor): Lemongrass is a perennial herb that grows in tropical and sub-tropical regions. It is native to Sri Lanka and South India, but now grows in many countries around the world. The plant's stalks are a common ingredient in Asian cooking, but it is also possible to brew lemongrass to make tea. The plant has long le..
07 Nov Benefits of Lemon Balm Leaves (Tea Cut Format) - Melissa Officinalis
0 415
 Lemon Balm Leaves Millions of people utilise the common plant lemon balm. The scientific name for it is Melissa officinalis, which is derived from the Greek word melissa, which means "honey bee," but it is also known as "nectar of life," "cure-all," "balm mint," or "honey plant." A native of Europe and well known for its various advantages, lemon..
02 Nov Benefits of Dandelion Roots (Tea Cut Format) - Singhparni Jadd - Taraxacum Officinale
0 545
The majority of dandelion research has been conducted on animals rather than humans. Dandelion has long been used as a diuretic to promote urine production and flush out excess fluid in the body. It has been used for a variety of illnesses, including high blood pressure and liver issues, when a diuretic may be beneficial. The use of dandelion as a ..
02 Nov Benefits of Damiana Leaves (Tea Cut Format) - Turnera Diffusa
2 308
Turnera diffusa is the scientific name for the shrub known as Damiana. It is indigenous to the Caribbean, South and Central America, Texas, and Mexico. The damiana plant was first employed in traditional Mexican medicine. There are a number of chemical components or portions found in dahlias, including arbutin, pinocembrin, acacetin, apigenin, 7-g..
02 Nov Benefits of Cinchona Bark (Tea Cut Format)
0 1285
Order IndianJadiBooti Cinchona Bark online - Cinchona is used to treat bloating, fullness, and other stomach issues as well as to stimulate the flow of digestive fluids and to increase appetite. In addition, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, and leg cramps are all treated with it. Cinchona is sometimes used to treat fever, malaria, ..
02 Nov Benefits of Burdock Panchang (Tea Cut Format) - Arctium Lappa
0 269
What is  Burdock(Arctium Lappa): Burdock is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. Although the most common species is Arctium lappa, the species A. minus and A. tomentosum are also widespread. The plant is originally from Asia and Europe and is currently widespread and adapted for cultivation in different climates. It is a shrub that grows to..
01 Nov Benefits of Amar Bel - Akash Bel - Afteeyun - Aftimoon - Dodder - Cuscuta reflexa
0 1105
What is  Amar Bel Amar Bel, also known as "Immortal Vine," is a type of parasitic vine related to the Morning Glory family. It grows in a prolific manner over host plants or other support, with inter-twined stems giving it the common name of "Devil's Hair." The starter plant would have had some roots at first. After a few days, the plant either f..
01 Jul अमरबेल के फायदे और औषधीय गुण-
162 11786
आज हम आपको बता दे  एक ऐसी औषद्यि के बारे में जो बहुत ही चमत्कारी और फायदेमंद है | जिसका नाम है अमरबेल जो पुरे  भारत में  ये अलग अलग राज्यों में अलग अलग नामो से  जानी जाती है जैसे - स्वर्ण लता, अँधा बेल, आलोक लता,अमरबल्लरी, डोडर  और भी कई नाम है इस औषद्यि के  और इसके फायदे भी  अनेक है हम आपको बता दे इस वनस्पति में कोई मूल यानी जड़ नहीं होती, क्यूंकि ..
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)
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