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IndianJadiBooti Health Blog - dhak RSS Feed

09 Nov Benefits of Tesu Flower - Palash Phool - Phool Tesu - Dhak Fool - Butea Monosperma
0 1150
What is Tesu Flower (Butea Monosperma): Tesu Flower (Butea Monosperma) also known as palash flower, Flame of the Forest or Flame of India, is a medium-sized tree native to India. It grows 20-40 feet high and has a crooked trunk, irregular branches, and grey bark. Its leaves are pinnate—each leaflet has an 8-16 cm petiole and three leaflets, each 10..
03 Nov Benefits of Gond Chuniya Powder - Kamarkas Powder - Kamar Kas Powder - Palash Gond Powder - Gond Dhak Powder - Butea Monusperma Powder
0 636
Man has always been on the lookout for foods that can improve health and provide them more energy. Man has experimented with plant-based gums, mucilage, and gels in addition to typical fruits and vegetables. One of the best examples of plant secretions that have been utilised by humans for ages is Kamarkas. Spend the last three minutes of your val..
03 Nov Benefits of Gond Chuniya - Kamarkas - Kamar Kas - Palash Gond - Gond Dhak - Butea Monusperma
0 738
Gond chuniya is a byproduct of plants. It is renowned as Brahmavriksham as well. The predominant colour is reddish or blackish-reddish. Other names for gond include Kamarkas, Palash Gond, and gond chuniya. Flame of Forest is its English name, while Butea monosperma or Butea frondosa is its biological name. It is widely used by women to treat back p..
03 Nov Benefits of Edible Bilas Papda - Palash Beej - Tesu Seeds - Dhak Beej - Butea frondosa
0 354
Form: Raw Herb Other Names:  Kinaka, Palash, Polashi, Bengal Kino, Bastard Teak, Flame of the Forest, Palas Tree, Butea Gum, Butee-feuillue, Malabarischer Lackbaum, Ostindischer Palasabaum, Khakria, Khakro, Kamarkas, Palas Ka Gond, Chunia Gond, Palash, Dhak, Dak, Tesu Butea frondosa Roxb, Muttaga, Butea frondosa , Palas, Paras, Palah, Samaghe P..
01 Nov Benefits of Amalsar - Gandhak - Yellow Sulphur
0 1639
Ayurvedic medicine is a holistic science that employs a wide variety of herbs combined with metals, minerals, or gems known as rasha shastra medicines. Gandhak Rasayan or Yellow Sulphur or Amlasar is one such mineral. These formulations are taken as powders, pellets, and tablets to treat various infections and improve overall health and well-being...
0 10723
Palash flower is also called Tesu flower. Palash blooms in spring and is of three colours, white, yellow and red-orange. Palash tree has been given a very important place in Ayurveda because due to the multiplicity of Palash, it is used as a medicine for many diseases. We all love flowers very much. Her sweet fragrance, her beautiful complexion is..
18 Jun गंधक रसायन  के फायदे और उपाय -
0 10583
आज हम आपको बताने जा रहे है गंधक रसायन के बहुत सारे  फायदे और क्या काम करता है | गंधक रसायन के खाने के बहुत सारे लाभ होते है और ये शरीर को रखता है मजबूत पढ़े पूरा आर्टिकल |  गंधक रसायन  के फायदे और उपाय -  1. गंधक रसायन को अगर आप खाते है तो शरीर  का खून को  साफ़ करता है और पुरे बॉडी में ब्लड अच्छे से सर्कुलेटेड करता है |  2. गंधक रसायन आपके शरीर ..
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 (1 Pages)
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