Unani medicine called ustukhuddus is mostly used to cure migraines. The following also includes references to secondary and off-label applications of Hamdard Itrifal Ustukhuddus. Amla, Haritaki, Baheda, Lavender, and Amar Bel are the main components of Hamdard Itrifal Ustukhuddus. Its characteristics are listed below. The patient's age, gender, and..
What is Tesu Flower (Butea Monosperma):
Tesu Flower (Butea Monosperma) also known as palash flower, Flame of the Forest or Flame of India, is a medium-sized tree native to India. It grows 20-40 feet high and has a crooked trunk, irregular branches, and grey bark. Its leaves are pinnate—each leaflet has an 8-16 cm petiole and three leaflets, each 10..
What is Semal Phool (Bombax Malabaricum):
Trees of simbal are found in the Western Himalayas all the way up to an elevation of 1300 meters above sea level. They can be found growing in fields, village common lands, roadsides and forests. A characteristic feature of simbal tree is that it is never seen growing in groups and always grows as a singl..
Licorice extract
Mulethi is also referred as as licorice. Many different medical issues can be treated with this herbal medication. It is widely used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine. Whether used topically or consumed orally, it can have a wide range of health advantages. Mulethi powder has a pleasant flavour as well, making it a delicacy and ..
Popular evergreen rosemary is a Mediterranean native and is used in cuisine all around the world. Its leaves are commonly used as tea or infused oils, and they can be eaten fresh or dried.
Although Rosemary has been lauded for its medicinal properties for generations, scientific investigation has only lately verified these claims. According to pre..
The flowers of the pomegranate (Punica granatum) can be good for your general wellbeing. The tree will bloom profusely, but in cooler climates, little blossom will set fruit, and blossom fall is common. Nevertheless, the flowers are typically sun dried, and the blossoms can be used to create a herbal tea. It is widely accepted that a tea made from ..
Beta-carotene and oleanolic acid, two powerful anti-inflammatory substances, are abundant in pista phool, as are phytosterols, a class of anti-inflammatory plant hormones linked to increased immunological performance. Also, the fibre in them aids in accelerating your metabolism. Also, because they are soluble in nature, the monounsaturated fats inc..
Dhawa Phool Herb is one of the most useful trees in India. Its leaves contain large amounts of gall tannins, which have been used to make pickles and winnowing papers by the millions. Its bark also contains a liquid or paste which is a good remedy for relieving pain and swelling caused by bruises. Its leaves contain large amounts of gall tannins, w..
Type of Herb: Raw Herb, Dried Neem Flower
Neem Phool is used to treat a variety of conditions, including leprosy, bloody noses, intestinal worms, stomach trouble, appetite loss, skin ulcers, cardiovascular illness, fever, diabetes, gingivitis, and liver issues. Moreover, the leaf is used to induce abortions and reduce fertility.
The neem tree is ..
Mahua Flowers are cooling in nature, and are used to treat cough, cold, and respiratory disorders. Mahua Flower is also used to cure Pitta. Mahua Flowers are widely used in making the wine by fermenting it.
Can Mahua be used in treatment of diseases related to Nervous System?
Yes, Mahua Flowers are very beneficial for nervous system. Mahua flower..
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