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IndianJadiBooti Health Blog - officinalis RSS Feed

09 Nov Zufa - Jufa - Hyssopus officinalis Linn – Hyssop - Issopo - Holy Herb
0 2186
Beekeepers use Jufa, the holy herb to give honey a rich scent due to its powerful aroma.  Juffa is a great decongestant and is extensively used in medicines to treat respiratory disorders such as bronchitis, asthma, sore throat, common cold and cough.  When a few drops of Juffa oil or dried leaves are added to hot water, they help to alleviate che..
09 Nov Benefits of White Peony Root - Paeonia officinalis - Udsaleev - Udsalib - Ood Saleeb - Ud Saleeb
17 836
White Peony Root (Paeonia officinalis) Proven Advantages: White peony root includes phytoestrogens. These chemicals have a similar structure to estrogen, the principal female sex hormone, and they work similarly in the body. Furthermore, prior studies have explored the effect of paeoniflorin, a major ingredient in white peony. Aromatase, an enzym..
08 Nov Benefits of Fumaria officinalis - Shahatra - Pitpapra
0 575
Fumaria officinalis is well known plant for its anthelmintic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, cholagogue, stomachic, sedative, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, prokinetic, laxative Properties. It is also used for dermatological, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, reproductive, anticholinesterase, and smooth muscle relaxant..
08 Nov Benefits of Rosemary Leaves - Gulmehendi - Rosmarinus officinalis
0 973
Popular evergreen rosemary is a Mediterranean native and is used in cuisine all around the world. Its leaves are commonly used as tea or infused oils, and they can be eaten fresh or dried. Although Rosemary has been lauded for its medicinal properties for generations, scientific investigation has only lately verified these claims. According to pre..
07 Nov Benefits of Lemon Balm Leaves (Tea Cut Format) - Melissa Officinalis
0 395
 Lemon Balm Leaves Millions of people utilise the common plant lemon balm. The scientific name for it is Melissa officinalis, which is derived from the Greek word melissa, which means "honey bee," but it is also known as "nectar of life," "cure-all," "balm mint," or "honey plant." A native of Europe and well known for its various advantages, lemon..
07 Nov Benefits of Khatmi Seeds - Marshmallow Seed - Khatmi Beej - Althea Officianalis
0 635
Khatmi (Althea officinalis), also known as Marshmallow, Gulkhero, tutti, shemai, and Hollyhock, is a relatively new addition to the Ayurvedic system. The name Althea is derived from the Greek word for "healer." It is widely used as an ornamental plant as well as in numerous oils, paintings, and other products. Eastern Europe is the origin of this ..
03 Nov Benefits of Gaozaban - Gaojaban - Sedge - Onosma Bracteatum - Borago officinalis - Gojivha
0 596
Benefits of Gaozaban - Gaojaban - Sedge - Onosma Bracteatum - Borago officinalis - Gojivha What is Gaozaban (Onosma Bracteatum) ? Gaozaban is a Unani Medicine used for strengthening nerves, mind, coronary heart and mind. It improves eyesight and acuity. It reduces strain and improves the high-satisfactory of sleep. It is used for the remedy of ne..
03 Nov Gaj Pipal - Gajpeepal - Gaj Peepal - Piper Chaba - Scindapsus Officinalis
0 461
Gaja Pippali is utilized in Ayurveda to deal with respiration issues, throat issues, asthma, diarrhea, intestinal parasites, rheumatism, and arthritis. It is a powerful treatment to save you dysentery, lowering irritation with the aid of using performing on frame mechanisms, and the leaves or culmination are carried out externally for rheumatism. ..
01 Nov Benefits of Amla Dried - Awala - Awla - Aamla - Amalki - Indian Gooseberry -Emblica officinalis
0 534
What is Amla? Amla also known as Gooseberry and Amalaki, or Awla can be consumed in a variety of ways. It is a versatile fruit that can be pickled into Amla murabba or juiced. Dry Amla, on the other hand, is one of the most antioxidant-rich foods on the planet. Amla dry fruit is beneficial to most parts of the body and is commonly used in Ayurvedi..
05 Jul Top 5 Benefits of  IndianJadiBooti Amla
0 10575
According to Ayurveda, Amla is such a fruit, which has innumerable benefits. Amla is not only beneficial for skin and hair but also works as a medicine for many diseases. Amla is used in many ways, such as Amla juice, Amla powder, Amla pickle etc. Amla is rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, which make it valuable.  1. Get rid of sore thro..
26 May  आंवला के उपचार और गुण -
0 10551
 आंवला के उपचार और गुण - आज हम आपको बताने जा रहे है आंवला के बारे में जो की बहुत फायदेमंद और चमत्कारी भी है | आंवला एक ऐसा फल है जिसको आप कई तरह से आप इसका इस्तेमाल कर सकते है क्यूंकि इसके कई सारे  लाभ है | जैसे आप इसका जूस बना कर पी सकते है जो शरीर को फिट करता है और आपके चहेरे पर रौनक लाता है | इतना ही नहीं आप आंवला के पाउडर का इस्तेमाल पेट दर्द ..
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 (1 Pages)
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