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IndianJadiBooti Health Blog - patthar RSS Feed

08 Nov Benefits of Pashan Bhed (Patharchatta) Root - Pakhanved Jadd - Aquatic Rotula - Bergenia ligulata - Zakhm e Hayat
0 718
What is Pashan bhed: Pashan bhed, or stone breaker, is an Indian herb that's known for its antilithic properties. It's rhizome is the most used part for medicinal purposes. Pashanbhed powder is used for the removal of kidney and urinary tract stones due to its antilithic property. According to Ayurveda, consuming Pashanbhed powder increases urine ..
02 Nov Benefits of Chadila - Charila - Chareela - Stone Flower - Patthar Phool - Dagad Phool - Parmelia perlata
0 694
Dagad Phool: आयुर्वेद में कई समस्याओं के लिए लाभकारी, जानिए इसके फायदे डगड़ फूल (पत्थर फूल) एक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि और गरम मसाला है, जिसका सेवन अनेक लाभ देता है। जानिए कि कैसे यहिडनी स्टोन से लेकर पाचन तक के लिए फायदेमंद है।डगड़ फूल एक पौधा है जो पुराने दीवारों या खाली पत्थरीले स्थानों पर स्वतः ही उगता है। पत्थरों पर उगने के कारण इसे पत्थर फूल, पाथर फू..
02 Nov Benefits of Ber Patthar - Ber Pathar - Hajrul Yahood - Fossil Encrinite
0 422
Form: Dried Raw Herb Hajrul Yahood Bhasma (also known as Sange Yahood Bhasma, Ber Patthar Bhasma, Badarashma Bhasma, Hazrul Yahud Bhasma, or Calcined Lime Silicate) is a calcined ayurvedic medicine used to treat kidney stones, dysuria, and renal colic. The main health and therapeutic properties of Hajrul Yahood Bhasma are as follows. Diuretic ..
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 (1 Pages)
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