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IndianJadiBooti Health Blog - spices (powder) RSS Feed

08 Nov Benefits of Musli Black (Powder) - Kali Musli - Siyah Musli - Shyam Musli - Curculigo orchioides
0 546
Kali Musli or Shyah-Musli is an Ayurvedic natural remedy traditionally used in Ayurvedic Medicine. It is one of the crucial Rasayana used to provide power and strength to the body. It indicates spermatogenic and aphrodisiac homes which can be beneficial in enhancing issues like sexual disorder. Extract of the plant also can be utilized in treatin..
07 Nov Benefits of Khas Root (Powder) - Khus Jad - Ushira - Vetiver Roots - Vetiveria Zizanioides - Ramacham
0 597
What is Khas Root (Powder) - Khus Jad (Vetiveria Zizanioides): Vetiveria zizanioides, also known as the vetiver grass, is a native plant of Asia. It has been introduced into the tropics of both hemispheres; it has escaped cultivation and become a weed in some regions. The plant is sometimes grown as a hedge and is useful in dryland restoration to ..
03 Nov Benefits of Indrayan Phal (Powder) - Indrain Fal - Tumba - Indrayun - Bitter Apple - Citrullus colocynthis
0 409
Order Indrayan Phal Powder Online at Best Price.IndianJadiBooti The indrayan phal plant is a desert vine that thrives in arid, sandy soils. The fruit's outer layer is clothed in a green skin with yellow stripes. The fruits could also be yellow. A thin but rigid rind distinguishes the ripe fruits. The fruits' white pulp is soft, dry, and spongy, an..
03 Nov Benefits of Dhamasa Powder - Churna - Fagonia Cretica - Dhamaso
0 757
Dhamasa Powder is a great blood purifier and helps in decomposes blood clots to save from brain haemorrhage and heart problems. It is used in many Ayurvedic, Herbal and Unani Preparations. The flowers and leaves of Dhamasa can treat all types of Cancers and Thalasemia. It provides a cooling effect to the body. It can treats all types of Hepatitis...
01 Nov Adusa Green (Powder)
0 540
Vasaka, often referred to as "Malabar Nut" in English, "Adhathodai" in Tamil, "Vasa" in Telugu, and "Arusha" in Hindi, is an effective  ayurvedic plant that improves the respiratory system. The plant has a wide range of therapeutic benefits and is the best treatment option for many health issues, including breathing difficulties, colds,coughs, sore..
01 Nov Benefits of Adusa Green Powder
0 501
Adoosa, also known as Vasa in Ayurveda, is a well-known medicinal plant. This plant's medicinal effects extend to all parts of the plant (leaves, flower, and root). It has a distinct odour and a bitter flavour. Consuming Adoosa powder with honey is said to be effective in cases of respiratory illnesses such as whooping cough, bronchitis, and ast..
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)
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