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Dried Ginger (Powder) - Sonth Powder - Sunthi - Sooth - Zingiber Officinale by IndianJadiBooti

Pure Grinding - No Adulteration
Dried Ginger (Powder) - Sonth Powder - Sunthi - Sooth - Zingiber Officinale by IndianJadiBooti
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Weight: 0.05kg
  • SKU: HERB000550
  • Shipping: Free within India upto 10KG on Prepaid
  • COD Charges: Rs50 on each 500 Grams
  • Quality: Premium Herbs with No Adulteration
  • Delivery: Within 3 to 7 Working Days in India
  • Shipping: From Delhi based Facility
  • Transport Charges for 25KG and above: As Actual on To Pay
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IndianJadiBooti ​​Zingiber officinale (Dried Ginger) powder has been used by humans for centuries. It is the member of Zingiberaceae family, and it is widely used as a spice or medicinal plant in folk and traditional medicines. The medicinal part of dried ginger is rhizomes, which are used in traditional medicine for treatment of wide range of ailments.

It is a perennial herbaceous plant of genus Zingiber. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and Africa.

Uses of Dried Ginger Powder:

In Ayurveda system, ginger and milk or water in the form of paste are used externally for treatment of infantile colic. The combination of dry ginger with honey is used for asthmatic bronchitis, cough, hiccups, and respiratory colds.

In traditional Chinese system, fresh ginger is believed to have mild warm temper, while dried and roasted ones are regarded as warm and hot, respectively. It is used for digestive ailments and appetite disorders. Ginger is used for digestive problems in western medicine. Henry VIII recommended the use of ginger for preventing the plague.

It used in Chinese medicine, and is said to help with nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. It has been used as an aphrodisiac and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginger oil is extracted from the rhizome of the plant and is used in many products such as tea, candy and medicines. Ginger contains chemicals called gingerols, which have anti-bacterial properties. Ginger contains amino acids, vitamins C and B6, calcium, iron and potassium among others.

Dry ginger has many medicinal uses such as being used for pain relief due to its anti-inflammatory properties which can also help with arthritis, muscle aches and insomnia.

Benefits of Dried Ginger Powder:

Other benefits include helping with digestion issues like gas or bloating due to its anti-spasmodic effects on the digestive system. It can also help with nausea due to its appetite stimulant properties as well as being able to help with blood purification because it contains amino acids which help remove toxins from your body's cells!

Being an all-around useful herb and spices for most ailments it has been proven quite effective at helping with various health issues including acne scars from acne breakouts or even helping treat cancer patients who want a natural alternative without worrying about side effects or having any negative.

Other Names: Shund, Sund, South, Shunthi, Sonth Powder , Zingiber officinale, Saunth Powder, Dry Ginger Powder, Sounth Powder, Sunthi, Adrak sonth powder sounth powder, Soonth, Soth sunthi, Jinger, Sundh, Sauth, Sukku, Galangal, Sonti, Shunti, Zanjabeel, Nagara, Zanjbeel, Sunti, Sooth


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No Minimum cart value is required. You can order as low as 10 Grams. Domestic orders are shipped through Delhivery, Bluedart or Speed India Post depending on your Pin code from our Delhi based warehouse, and generally reaches you within 3-7 business days from the Date of order in India.
Cash / Pay On Delivery (Cod) option is available for delivery in India on minimal charges as below: Rs 50 for each 500 Grams. Max of 2 KG or Rs 3500 can be ordered on COD.
Our Team has expertise in handling Retail as well as Bulk orders by keeping an eye on every minute detail from order processing to shipping and delivery. All our Domestic (with in India) Orders are generally dispatched within 2-3 working days from the date of Order and are delivered with in 3 to 7 working days.
We ship worldwide through EMS. We ship to almost all countries across the globe. Custom clearance Is customer's responsibility in case the parcel get stuck in customs In customer's country. Duty or VAT charges, if any, would have to be borne by customer. International orders generally reaches you with In 10-15 Business Days from the date of order.

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