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Kashmiri Lehsun - Pahadi Lehsun - Snow Mountain Garlic - Allium Sativum by IndianJadiBooti

Authentic and Genuine Herbs
Kashmiri Lehsun - Pahadi Lehsun - Snow Mountain Garlic - Allium Sativum by IndianJadiBooti
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Weight: 0.05kg
  • SKU: HERB000300
  • Shipping: Free within India upto 10KG on Prepaid
  • COD Charges: Rs50 on each 500 Grams
  • Quality: Premium Herbs with No Adulteration
  • Delivery: Within 3 to 7 Working Days in India
  • Shipping: From Delhi based Facility
  • Transport Charges for 25KG and above: As Actual on To Pay
199 sold in this week

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Snow Mountain Garlic, also known as Kashmiri Lehsun

Snow Mountain Garlic, also referred to as Kashmiri Lehsun, is considered the highest quality garlic. This plant originates from Jammu & Kashmir and offers several health benefits:

  • Boost the immune system and enhances overall health

  • Speeds up recovery from common ailments like cold, high blood pressure, rheumatism, tuberculosis cholesterol, and respiratory issues

  • Improves blood circulation, cleanses the blood, and increases red blood cells

  • Revitalizes cells by promoting oxygen flow and acts as a potent antioxidant

  • Protects the liver from toxic substances, helps rejuvenate a fatigued liver, and promotes normal functioning

  • Stimulates the nervous system and maintains heart function at a steady level, thereby stabilizing blood pressure

  • Dissolves cholesterol and fatty substances within blood vessels, refreshing cells and blood

  • Promotes gastric juice secretion by stimulating the stomach's mucous membrane and interacts with proteins to reduce excessive activity

  • Activates the large intestine by aiding both constipation and diarrhea

  • Regulates metabolic rate and assists in flushing out toxic food

  • Lowers blood sugar levels for diabetes patients

  • Acts as a natural Viagra for both men and women

How to Use Snow Mountain Garlic

Snow Mountain Garlic, also known as Kashmiri Lehsun, is the purest form of garlic and is native to Jammu and Kashmir. Its numerous health benefits make it a popular remedy for various ailments.

Here are some ways to use Snow Mountain Garlic for common health issues:

  • For Acne: Peel 2 or 3 cloves and massage the affected area for 10 minutes.

  • For Asthma: Take 2 garlic pods, remove the outer layer, boil them in a glass of milk, and drink at night.

  • For Digestive Disorders: Boil 2 cloves of garlic in a cup of milk or water and drink it once daily.

  • For High Blood Pressure: Consume 2 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach.

  • For High Cholesterol: Peel 3 or 4 cloves of garlic and consume on an empty stomach.

  • For Wounds: Extract garlic juice, mix it with a little water, and wash the wounds with the mixture twice a day.

  • For Tuberculosis: Peel and crush 2 to 4 cloves, boil in a cup of milk, and drink once daily.

  • For Ascaris (parasitic worms): Peel and crush 10 cloves, soak in a glass of water, and drink on an empty stomach the next morning.

Other Names : Kashmiri Lehsun , Snow Mountain Garlic, Khasmiri Lahsun kashmiri lehsun snow mountain garlic jadi buti raw herbs, Lasun, Kasmiri, Lahasun, Himalyan Garlic, Himalayan Garlic, Lasoon, Lahsoon, Lehsan, Pahadi Lehsun, Allium Sativum


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No Minimum cart value is required. You can order as low as 10 Grams. Domestic orders are shipped through Delhivery, Bluedart or Speed India Post depending on your Pin code from our Delhi based warehouse, and generally reaches you within 3-7 business days from the Date of order in India.
Cash / Pay On Delivery (Cod) option is available for delivery in India on minimal charges as below: Rs 50 for each 500 Grams. Max of 2 KG or Rs 3500 can be ordered on COD.
Our Team has expertise in handling Retail as well as Bulk orders by keeping an eye on every minute detail from order processing to shipping and delivery. All our Domestic (with in India) Orders are generally dispatched within 2-3 working days from the date of Order and are delivered with in 3 to 7 working days.
We ship worldwide through EMS. We ship to almost all countries across the globe. Custom clearance Is customer's responsibility in case the parcel get stuck in customs In customer's country. Duty or VAT charges, if any, would have to be borne by customer. International orders generally reaches you with In 10-15 Business Days from the date of order.

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