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Tukmaria (Big) Beej - Sabja Seeds - Ocimum Basilicum by IndianJadiBooti

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Tukmaria (Big) Beej - Sabja Seeds - Ocimum Basilicum by IndianJadiBooti
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Weight: 0.05kg
  • SKU: HERB000588
  • Shipping: Free within India upto 10KG on Prepaid
  • COD Charges: Rs50 on each 500 Grams
  • Quality: Premium Herbs with No Adulteration
  • Delivery: Within 3 to 7 Working Days in India
  • Shipping: From Delhi based Facility
  • Transport Charges for 25KG and above: As Actual on To Pay
31 sold in this week

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Product Description: Tukmaria Moti Beej - Sabja Seeds - Ocimum basilicum

Discover the Power of Sabja Seeds

  • Ancient Superfood: Often referred to as the queen of seeds, Sabja seeds also known as Tukmaria (Ocimum basilicum) have been cherished across generations for their remarkable health benefits. Packed with fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, these tiny seeds are a powerhouse of nutrition.

  • Tukmaria Big Seeds - Sabja Seeds - Ocimum basilicum

  • Versatile and Easy to Use: Whether sprinkled over your favorite smoothie, mixed into a cooling drink like falooda, or simply soaked in water and consumed, Sabja seeds are incredibly versatile. Their ability to absorb water and form a gel-like substance makes them a fun addition to a variety of dishes.

  • Supports Wellness Goals: From aiding in digestion and relieving bloating to acting as a natural detox, Sabja seeds support your health in numerous ways. Their anti-inflammatory properties are an added bonus for anyone looking to enhance their wellbeing.

Culinary Adventures with Basil Seeds

  • A Must-Have Kitchen Staple: Transform ordinary drinks and desserts into extraordinary treats with Sabja seeds. Famous for their use in the Indian dessert falooda, they not only add a unique texture but also a slightly sweet, basil flavor that elevates the taste.

  • Health Meets Flavor: By adding Tukmaria seeds to your meals, you’re not just enhancing the flavor profile but also boosting the nutritional value of your food. It’s an easy win for health-conscious foodies.

Why Choose Our Tukmaria Moti Beej?

  • Strict Quality Control: Each batch is carefully inspected to ensure purity, quality, and freshness. You can rest assured that what you're getting is free of any added chemicals or preservatives.

  • Customer Satisfaction: We are driven by the reviews and feedback of our loyal customers. Their health transformations and culinary experiments with our Sabja seeds keep us motivated to deliver excellence every time.

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No Minimum cart value is required. You can order as low as 10 Grams. Domestic orders are shipped through Delhivery, Bluedart or Speed India Post depending on your Pin code from our Delhi based warehouse, and generally reaches you within 3-7 business days from the Date of order in India.
Cash / Pay On Delivery (Cod) option is available for delivery in India on minimal charges as below: Rs 50 for each 500 Grams. Max of 2 KG or Rs 3500 can be ordered on COD.
Our Team has expertise in handling Retail as well as Bulk orders by keeping an eye on every minute detail from order processing to shipping and delivery. All our Domestic (with in India) Orders are generally dispatched within 2-3 working days from the date of Order and are delivered with in 3 to 7 working days.
We ship worldwide through EMS. We ship to almost all countries across the globe. Custom clearance Is customer's responsibility in case the parcel get stuck in customs In customer's country. Duty or VAT charges, if any, would have to be borne by customer. International orders generally reaches you with In 10-15 Business Days from the date of order.

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