Nigella sativa, also known as kalonji or kalojeere, black cumin, or black caraway, is a flowering plant that is indigenous to south and southwest Asia and is widely cultivated around the world. Although it is frequently referred to as "black cumin," it should not be confused with "Kala Jeera," which is a member of the Binium bulbocastanum family.

The fruits of the Nigella sativa plant are used to make kalonji, also known as black caraway seeds, which are referred to as "Karun Jeeragam" in Tamil and "Nalla Jeelakarra" in Telugu. These seeds are sometimes referred to as "black onion seeds" in some regions of the world. The Kalonji plant, which can reach a height of 20 to 30 cm and has split, thin, consecutive leaves, has "fennel flowers" with five to ten petals each that bloom in white and pastel blue.

Health Benefits of Kalonji Seeds

Boosts Memory
When combined with honey, kalonji seeds are said to lessen mental strain. Eat it every day on an empty stomach to improve your cognitive power. The elderly age group can greatly benefit from strengthening their poor memory. Consuming Kalonji seeds with mint leaves is advised by Ayurveda since it helps improve memory and stave off neurological diseases like Alzheimer's.

Control Diabetes
In type 2 diabetes, kalonji is highly beneficial for controlling blood sugar levels. What is diabetes type 2? It is a chronic illness that has an impact on how your body uses and controls blood sugar. For best effects, diabetics should drink black tea and kalonji oil on an empty stomach. To locate other foods that can aid in controlling diabetes, you might consult the diabetes food chart.

Controls Blood Pressure
Even a spoonful of kalonji oil works wonders! Certainly, it can reduce your blood pressure and stop the inclination to reoccur. High blood pressure sufferers can mix a spoonful of Kalonji oil with lukewarm water and drink it.

Reduces Inflammation
Many chronic inflammations can be treated using kalonji seeds' anti-inflammatory effects. By lubricating the joints, it is renowned for relieving joint discomfort. The daily consumption of kalonji oil is advised by Ayurveda to reduce inflammation.