What is Mushk Dana (Ambrette Seed):
Musk dana is a flower that has a musky, sweet scent and is used in perfumes and for flavoring food. It is the seed of the musk mallow plant, which is native to India. The flower has small yellow flowers that bloom during March and April. The seeds are brown in color and have a musky fragrance.

Other Names: Ambrette, Musk Mallow, Abelmoschus Moschatus, Abelmoschus Angulosus, Maskdana, Kasturi Bhendi, Kastoori


  • Muskdana is a traditional Ayurvedic herb that has been used since ancient times to treat digestive disorders and urinary problems.
  • Muskdana seeds are taken in a tea form to relieve cramping. When the seeds are made into a paste with milk, and applied, it cures itching.
  • A decoction of the seeds when used as a gargle helps combat oral problems.
  • The seeds when chewed help freshen the breath.
  • The powder of the seeds when dissolved in water and taken with honey at night after meal helps in dealing with urinary problems.
  • The extract of the seeds helps kill worm infestation in the body.
  • Muskdana has not been proven safe for use during pregnancy and lactation. Myricetin is a chemical present in muskdana which may lower blood sugar levels; hence, taking muskdana along with diabetes medications might cause very low blood sugar levels
  • Musk dana can be used in the treatment of stomach and intestinal disorders, loss of appetite, headaches and muscle spasms, hysteria and gonorrheal diseases, lung problems and other nervous system disorders.
  • It's also been used historically as a source of ointments for wounds and ulcers because it helps reduce inflammation while soothing pain such as burns or wounds.


There are many benefits of consuming Ambrette Seeds. They can be used in the treatment of stomach and intestinal disorders, loss of appetite, muscle spasms and headaches. In addition to this, they can also be used for perfuming cosmetics and flavoring foods and drinks. Ambrette Seeds have been used traditionally in the treatment of nervous system disorders including depression, bacterial pathologies and cramps.