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IndianJadiBooti Health Blog - Bhatkatiya RSS Feed

06 Nov Benefits of Kateri Stem - Kateri Badi - Solanum Xanthocarpum - Bhatkatiya - Kantakari - Katehri
0 417
Benefits of Kateri Stem - Kateri Badi - Solanum Xanthocarpum - Bhatkatiya - Kantakari - Katehri India is home to the kateri stem, which is frequently found in trashy areas, by roadsides, and in open scrublands. It is a thorny shrub with many branches that is typically spread out or diffused. It can reach heights of one to five metres. Young branch..
06 Nov Benefits of Kateri Seeds - Bhatkatiya - Kantakari - Katehri Beej - Beej Kateli
1 365
Kantakari, Kateri, and Bhatkataiya are other names for it. In Hindi, it is known by a variety of names, including Chhoti Katai, Bhatkaiya, Rangani, Rigoni, Katali, and Katayali. This is a ground-dwelling, prickly plant. Many consider kateri to be a wild plant because it is frequently seen in large quantities in shrubs and woodlands. White Kateri (S..
06 Nov Benefits of Kateri Panchang - Solanum Xanthocarpum - Bhatkatiya - Kantakari - Katehli - Katehri Panchang
0 531
What is kantakari(Solanum xanthocarpum): Solanum xanthocarpum, or kantakari, is a wild plant that grows in many parts of India. In vernacular it is known as bhatkatiya. The fruits are berries, yellow or with white green stripes, surrounded by an enlarged calyx. The plants are edible and people in Manipur (India) use them as folk medicine for treat..
06 Nov Benefits of Kateri Fruit - Katehli Fal - Solanum Xanthocarpum - Bhatkatiya - Kantakari - Katehri Phal
0 529
Kateri herb is one of India’s most common herbs. It has many names such as Kateri, Kantakari, Katali, Katayali and Bhatkataiya. Made from a thorny plant that grows in shrubs, forests and on the ground, people use it to cure diseases such as migraine headache and kidney and bladder stone. Other Names: Kantkari, Huang guo qie, Yellow-berried Nightsh..
0 10896
Kateri can be used to treat cough home. For this, you should take 3-5 grams of the entire plant or panchang of the kateri and boil it in 200 mg of water. The quantity of boiling water is about 50 mg and keep boiling it. Then cool the decoction and use it 2 times a day. This can be the best way to relieve cough. The root of the kateri is cylindr..
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