What is Pashan bhed:
Pashan bhed, or stone breaker, is an Indian herb that's known for its antilithic properties. It's rhizome is the most used part for medicinal purposes.
Pashanbhed powder is used for the removal of kidney and urinary tract stones due to its antilithic property. According to Ayurveda, consuming Pashanbhed powder increases urine production and helps in easy removaI of stones due to its Mutral (diuretic) property. Pashanbhed might also help in reducing fever due to its antipyretic property and give relief from cough due to its antitussive properties. It might also help manage ulcers due to its antioxidant and antiulcer properties. You can apply Pashanbhed paste on the skin to manage boils and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory property
Other Names: Patherchata, Patharchata, Pattharchata, Pasanbheda, Pashanbeda, Pasanbeda, Paththar, Stones, Patherchatta, Pashanbhedi, Bryophyllum Pinnatum, Stone Breaker, Pashanved, pakhan ved, Pathhar Chata, Pashanabhedi, Zakhm e Hayat
The problem with being a plant-based dieter is that once you've been eating this way for a while, it's hard to get back into the habit. But when you're dealing with urinary tract disorders, the timing couldn't be better.
Urolithiasis, or kidney stones, is a common affliction among those who follow a plant-based diet. It's caused by an imbalance in Vata and Kapha dosha and can be avoided by following Pashanbhed's daily regimen of healthy eating and lifestyle choices.
The good news is that even if you have had kidney stones in the past, you can choose to avoid them again through your diet. You'll reduce your risk of developing them by consuming foods rich in calcium such as kale and broccoli.
If you find yourself suffering from dysuria (difficulty urinating), Pashanbhed can help relieve your symptoms. This is due to its properties as a diuretic and mineral supplement which increase urine production naturally without causing any side effects such as nausea or constipation which often accompanies other diuretics on the market today."
1. Pashanbhed Powder
a. Take about 1-3 gm of Pashanbhed powder.
b. Swallow it with warm water twice a day or as directed by the doctor to help manage diabetes.
2. Pashanbhed Decoction
a. Take about 20-30 gm of pakhan ved root powder in about 2 cups of water.
b. Boil and reduce the volume to half.
c. Use this decoction as directed by a physician to manage urinary problems like urolithiasis or dysuria.
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